KatjaGlassConsulting / ApprovalBundle

A Kimai Plugin to manage weekly approval workflow
MIT License
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How can I use display name (Alias) instead of login username? #6

Closed fipio closed 1 year ago

fipio commented 1 year ago

Need help on customizing the display of names and date ranges, can it be the same of other parts of kimai?

Appreciate your work on this awesome plugin!

KatjaGlassConsulting commented 1 year ago

Hi, using the displayName (Alias when available, otherwise username) is a nice feature. This will be available in the next update (expected within 2 weeks). You can use the "dev" version for now.

For the date-ranges - it is a standard form which Kimai uses - you see the same under "Administration" -> "Reporting". When you are familar with Kimai programming, feel free to update the file: WeeklyUserListForm.php.


fipio commented 1 year ago

thank you!

btw, the date ranges format is fine, it's just not localized, that's what I mean😃

I duplicated the file 'messages.en.xliff' to make my own localization, but the month names like 'September' are not covered.

KatjaGlassConsulting commented 1 year ago

The "date-ranges" form is one from Kimai - it might be reported there to localize this - no changes in the approvalBundle are possible for this. The alias will come soon also for "main", so I close this issue.