Kattis / problemtools

Tools to manage problem packages using the Kattis problem package format.
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require plasTeX version 1.0 for python2 compatibility #146

Closed ghamerly closed 4 years ago

ghamerly commented 4 years ago

I have had two reports of people recently installing problemtools using pip, and it fails to run because of the version of plasTeX that pip installs.

The latest plasTeX (https://github.com/plastex/plastex) recently updated from 1.0 to 2.0, and 2.0 is for python 3.

This PR fixes the issue by having problemtools tell pip to use version 1.0.

I've tested this in a clean docker instance:

$ docker pull python:2.7.17-stretch
$ docker run -it --rm python:2.7.17-stretch /bin/bash
# pip install -e git://github.com/ghamerly/problemtools.git@use-plastex1.0#egg=problemtools
# verifyproblem

which installs plasTeX 1.0, and verifyproblem can run.

If you replace the github URL above with git://github.com/Kattis/problemtools.git#egg=problemtools, it still installs, but with plasTeX 2.0, and running verifyproblem fails.

Of course, when #116 is fixed, then we can revert this (or require 2.0). Maybe it's time to do that anyway, as I'm tired of how broken plasTeX is, and maybe the new version is better?

austrin commented 4 years ago

Of course, when #116 is fixed, then we can revert this (or require 2.0). Maybe it's time to do that anyway, as I'm tired of how broken plasTeX is, and maybe the new version is better?

I'd like to support both Python 2 and 3 for a transition period, so your changes look good for now.

We should also update the setup script to allow the Python 3 version but that's a separate issue.