KaufHA / PLF12

Files for the PLF12 Power Monitoring Smart Plug
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Syntax for POST request via REST API on PLF12 plug? #29

Open tonylane26 opened 2 months ago

tonylane26 commented 2 months ago

"Firmware version 2.056(f) made using ESPHome version 2023.7.1" (BTW the latest on github is v2.052)

The documentation on the ESPhome REST API indicates that a SWITCH should have a "/turn_on" method e.g. /switch/dehumidifier/turn_on (also presumably /turn_off)

Copying the format from the plug via the /events page I came up with: http://kauf-plug-xxxxxx.local/switch/kauf_plug/turn_on

From my browser this returns: {"id":"switch-kauf_plug","value":false,"state":"OFF"} and the plug does not turn on.

Is there a list of GET and POST commands available for this Plug? I had also wanted to use: http://kauf-plug-xxxxxx.local/sensor/kauf_plug_device_in_use which also shows in the Events Source API but doesn't work on the REST API.

I don't want to use Home Assistant as I already have everything on node-red. If this doesn't work I might try re-flashing the plug and using Tasmota. I'd prefer to use them with the web server, straight out of the box.

Thanks in advance.

TJNII commented 2 months ago

For my PLF12:

Turn on: curl [device]/switch/kauf_plug/turn_on -X POST Turn off: curl [device]/switch/kauf_plug/turn_off -X POST

I haven't figured out anything else yet, I was struggling to figure out the device and id components before I found this post. (Can they be added to the UI? Is curl [device]/switch expected to return a 500 or 404 depending on trailing /?)

bkaufx commented 2 months ago

If you update to the latest ESPHome version by compiling yourself, I believe they no longer require http post. So you can just use normal URLs in a web browser and commands should work. I'll try to release a new update binary soon with it.

The in_use sensor is a binary_sensor so you need to change sensor to binary_sensor in your URL. Let me know if that doesn't work.

The documentation for the ESPHome web api all applies to our products so the documentation there may help: https://esphome.io/web-api/index.html

tonylane26 commented 2 months ago

Thanks Tom @TJNII and Brian @bkaufx. Although I can't use /turn-on from the browser, it works fine with the same syntax from a node-red "http request" node, where you can specify the POST method. This is really all I need.

The binary-sensor syntax for the in_use status works too, from either the browser or from node-red: http://kauf-plug-7aaeb1.local/binary_sensor/kauf_plug_device_in_use

Thanks for your help guys.