KaufHA / PLF12

Files for the PLF12 Power Monitoring Smart Plug
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Plug won't turn power off #36

Open synthc opened 3 months ago

synthc commented 3 months ago

Communication with the plug seems to be working fine and I can turn it on and off both wirelessly and manually via the button (and the LED indicates the appropriate state); but the power is stuck on - it will never turn off the device that's plugged into it.

I've tried doing a full reset and re-adding it to the network and it worked for a little while before starting this behavior again. Now it won't work no matter what I do.

bkaufx commented 3 months ago

Can you hear the relay clicking? Pretty weird for it to work and suddenly not work. Sounds like a bad relay. E-mail me and I can send a replacement. brian@kaufha.com

synthc commented 3 months ago

Yes, I hear it clicking. I sent you an email, but your email server rejected it:

brian@kaufha.com: host mx1.improvmx.com[] refused to talk to me: 551-5.7.1 Your IP is black listed by SpamCop.org (See https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml). 551-5.7.1 To best protect our users from spam, 551 5.7.1 we will ignore all incoming emails from you until the matter is resolved.

bkaufx commented 3 months ago

That's a pretty weird error. Email is working for me. Maybe try sending from a different email address or computer.

synthc commented 3 months ago

I tried again, the email didn't bounce this time.

synthc commented 3 months ago

The replacement is working. Thanks.

synthc commented 3 months ago

This issue is has now started occurring with the replacement plug. Exact same issue, I hear the relay click when I switch the plug on/off but it doesn't cut the power to what's plugged into it.

I have a single LED tube shop light plugged into it. The plug itself is plugged directly into an outlet (I had it on a power strip and moved it to the outlet, thinking maybe the strip was interfering somehow). The plug is the only thing plugged into this outlet.

I have three other PLF12's and all of them work just fine. Do you have any idea what might be going on here? If I turn the switch on/off repeatedly it eventually turns the light off.

bkaufx commented 3 months ago

What are the specs of the light that is plugged into it? Sounds like the symptoms you might expect if you were plugging in a large inductive load that created an inrush current and welded the relay open.

synthc commented 3 months ago

120V; 0.72A; 42W; 60Hz