KaufHA / kauf-rgb-switch

Files for the KAUF RGB Wall Switch
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Can't update to ESPHome 2024.6.1 #19

Closed mikegluk closed 3 weeks ago

mikegluk commented 3 weeks ago

Attempt to install fails with the following error:

File "/esphome/esphome/components/binary_sensor/__init__.py", line 390, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'esphome.components.web_server' has no attribute 'WEBSERVER_SORTING_SCHEMA'
Failed config

binary_sensor: [source /data/packages/7d0de4ae/kauf-rgbs.yaml:184]
bkaufx commented 3 weeks ago

I think you are stuck on an old version of the yaml. Try cleaning build files or deleting the .esphome/packages folder.

mikegluk commented 3 weeks ago

Cleaning build files didn't help, and I don't have the .esphome directory. image

bkaufx commented 3 weeks ago

Probably need to reinstall esphome add-on then. The add-on moved the .esphome config directory so it is pretty tough to manually clear. Make sure you back up all your yaml files.

You are definitely stuck on the old yaml version though. I just double checked and I get that same error if I use the old version.

mikegluk commented 3 weeks ago

Reinstallation of ESPHome helped. Thanks for top-notch support!