KaufHA / kauf-rgb-switch

Files for the KAUF RGB Wall Switch
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Brand new wall switch fails to update in ESP home #4

Open Srgadget opened 1 year ago

Srgadget commented 1 year ago

Hello i just purchased three brand new wall switch preload and with your Home assistant version. My home assistant is up to date as of 9-22 as is my esphome. the error I get is as follows .

my config in esphome is your basic default . Any thought would be great I can log into the dvice via the ip address substitutions: name: kauf-2 packages: Kauf.RGBSw: github://KaufHA/kauf-rgb-switch/kauf-rgbs.yaml esphome: name_add_mac_suffix: false

wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password use_address:

bkaufx commented 1 year ago

Make sure your ESPHome is up to date (2022.9.0 or greater). BTW that text file has your wifi password in it, you might want to delete the uploaded file and/or change password.

bkaufx commented 1 year ago

The other thing you might try is clean build files, and manually delete the .esphome/external_components and .esphome/packages directories within the ESPHome config directory.