KaufHA / kauf-rgbww-bulbs

Files for the KAUF RGBWW Smart Bulbs
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Effects #13

Open marc-gist opened 2 years ago

marc-gist commented 2 years ago

Could you please show me how to add effects that can run on the bulb. I.e. transition between a list of colors?


KaufHA commented 2 years ago

If you want to do normal ESPHome light effects then you'll need to download the kauf-bulb.yaml file to add them in, instead of including the yaml file as a package. Basically copy/paste that yaml file into your yaml file and then edit it to change the name/friendly_name, wifi settings, and anything else you had in your yaml file to begin with. You should be able to add effects under id: kauf_light

Something like a lambda effect could be done while keeping the yaml included as a package by just adding your own template switch to turn the effect on. Have the switch start a script when turned on and stop the script when turned off. The script can just call light.turn_on a bunch to turn to whatever color you want. At the end of the script, call the script again. You could also use a button instead of a switch. When the button is pressed, check to see if the effect script is running. If it is running, stop it. If it is not running, start it.

The factory yaml file has an example of a script that changes the color in a loop.

natp13 commented 1 year ago

You would also need to add the following block back to light_state.cpp (see added code in --- block)

void LightState::loop() {

  // run wled / ddp functions if enabled
  if ( this->use_wled_ ) {wled_apply();}

  // if not enabled but UPD is configured, stop UDP and reset bulb values
  else if (udp_) {

    // stop listening on udp port
    ESP_LOGD("KAUF WLED", "Stopping UDP listening");

    // return bulb to home assistant set values instead of previous wled value
    this->current_values = this->remote_values;
    this->next_write_ = true;

  // -----------------------------------------------
  // TODO: This is the code I had to add to make the candle effect play!
  // Apply effect (if any)
  auto *effect = this->get_active_effect_();
  if (effect != nullptr) {
  // -----------------------------------------------

  // Apply transformer (if any)
  if (this->transformer_ != nullptr) {
    auto values = this->transformer_->apply();
    this->transformer_active = true;
    if (values.has_value()) {
      this->current_values = *values;
      this->next_write_ = true;
natp13 commented 1 year ago

@KaufHA added the effect->apply() back, so that's not necessary anymore, thanks!

techoguy commented 10 months ago

To add effects, you can use the !extend feature in your yml file in ESPHome. below is an example of effects I added in my yml file. Once you add them, you can install it OTA to the light. Then use the light_on service call to activate the effect in HA.

refer to the link to create your own effects or adjust existing effects: https://esphome.io/components/light/#light-effects

  - id: !extend  kauf_light
      - flicker:
          alpha: 94%
          intensity: 12%
      - strobe:
      - pulse:
      - random:
TikiBill commented 7 months ago

@KaufHA Do you have any thoughts/plans on adding standard effects beyond WLED/DDP? I have what I consider a pretty nice candle effect as a lambda.