KaufmannDigital / KaufmannDigital.GDPR.CookieConsent

A ready-to-run package, that integrates an advanced cookie consent banner into your Neos CMS site.
GNU General Public License v3.0
26 stars 11 forks source link

POST ajax call and set cookie Does not work on local Docker with localhost #10

Closed retinafunk closed 3 years ago

retinafunk commented 4 years ago

After we tested the Component on a live and staging server we liked it and using it now. But when trying to use it on a local development server ( running in docker container) I noticed that while I can see the CC GUI , when I click the Accept Button there is an XHR POST Error in Chrome Browser Dev Tools ( Network Tab)

contact.html:2161 POST http://localhost:8098/api/kd-gdpr-cc 500 (Internal Server Error)

and in the Network/Respose I see this NEOS / Flow Error:

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO kaufmanndigital_gdpr_cookieconsent_domain_model_consentlogentry (persistence_object_identifier, consentdate, consentidentifier, userid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["fd5dd914-3659-4299-b6d0-9d8e22d047c1", "2020-06-24 10:17:18", "permanent", "5ef3282e86ffb"]:

I attached screenshots of the Dev Tools Errors:

DevTools - localhost_8098_en_contact html 24_06_2020 12_19_20 DevTools - localhost_8098_en_contact html 24_06_2020 12_19_32

It would be really usefull to have the Component working in local docker containers. THanks in advance

Nikdro commented 4 years ago

Hi @retinafunk!

Is this problem still relevant? I'm not able to reproduce this bug, but I have a first thought: Did you run ./flow doctrine:migrate after the installation?
It's not documented yet, but has to be done since the latest version.

Nikdro commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue due inactivity since June. Feel free to reopen, if needed.

urbantrout commented 3 years ago

I guess this is now fixed in v1 with https://github.com/KaufmannDigital/KaufmannDigital.GDPR.CookieConsent/commit/7698c7950d96e38e7528e7598e4a810312d477f2