KaukausInsurgency / ki-dcs

Kaukasus Insurgency
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More realistic faction / story / JTAC support #158

Closed Igneous01 closed 6 years ago

Igneous01 commented 6 years ago

There are two scenarios here.

The first variant is Georgia aided by the USA and NATO vs the Insurgents (I guess you already are using the "insurgent" nation) aided by Russia

The second variant is Georgia aided by the USA and NATO in a pact with Russia to neutralise the local militia uprising which is being developed.

Both scenarios are being developed in the mountains at the Russia/Georgia borders (as it is now) with the South Ossetia and Abkhazia region included.

Keep the aircraft platforms to their respective countries (if you need help with that I can provide a list)

Have the same insurgent camp mechanic as now and city capture mechanic.

I did not mean necessarily to have NATO units on the ground, but instead to have a distinguishable way of knowing who is who.

In a real situation if you think about it, if you are helping troops on the ground, you won't be bringing your own JTAC... the troops in contact will direct you with smokes and directions. Simulating real CAS engagements.

Igneous01 commented 6 years ago

Closing, as this is not something that would be forced or dictated to server owners - if a server owner wishes to style their campaign to be realistic they have every ability to do so. However this is not something that would be part of the core product (as the core KI product does not care about story or factions - but provides a sandbox and tools to implement one)