Closed Igneous01 closed 6 years ago
Functions that need to change:
CP:Fortify CP:SetCoalitionCounts KI.Loader.GenerateStaticTable SLC.SpawnSlingLoadableCargo AICOM.DoTurn AICOM.Analyze KI.Init.Depots KI.Scheduled.IsPlayerInZone KI.Scheduled.UpdateCPStatus KI.Scheduled.CheckConvoyCompletedRoute KI.Hooks.DWMOnDepotResupplied KI.Hooks.GCOnLifeExpiredCrate KI.Hooks.GCOnLifeExpiredTroops KI.lua
A) Create configuration item KI.Config.PlayerSide
B) Create configuration item KI.Config.InsurgentSide
C) Replace all references of KI.Scheduled.CheckConvoyCompletedRoute with a function that takes a side parameter.
D) Update this code in KI.Loader.GenerateStaticTable()
function KI.Loader.GenerateStaticTable(staticObj, category, component, isCargo)"KI.Loader.GenerateStaticTable called")
--isHidden = isHidden or true
isCargo = isCargo or false
local _country = ""
*******THIS CODE BELOW **********
if staticObj:getCoalition() == 1 then
_country = "Russia"
_country = "Insurgents"
E) Update this code in SLC.SpawnSlingLoadableCargo()
function SLC.SpawnSlingLoadableCargo(rawtype, comp, pos) -- need to add country and side parameters"SLC.SpawnSlingLoadableCargo Called")
local cargo_name = SLC.GenerateName(comp.SpawnName)
*********** CHANGE BELOW **********
local obj = coalition.addStaticObject(, {
country = "Russia",
category = "Cargos",
x = pos.x,
y = pos.z,
type = rawtype,
name = cargo_name,
mass = comp.Weight,
canCargo = true
table.insert(SLC.CargoInstances, { Object = obj, Component = comp })"SLC.SpawnSlingLoadableCargo - Adding CargoInstance for " .. cargo_name)
return obj
F) Update this code in AICOM.DoTurn()
function AICOM.DoTurn(args, time)"AICOM.DoTurn called")
local fncSuccess, result = xpcall(function()
-- check the pop cap and see if we've hit the limit
******* THIS CODE BELOW *********
local _cap = AICOM.CalculatePopulationCap(coalition.getGroups(2, Group.Category.GROUND))
if _cap >= AICOM.Config.PopulationCap then"AICOM.DoTurn - pop cap has been reached (" .. tostring(_cap) .. "/" .. tostring(AICOM.Config.PopulationCap) .. ") - Doing nothing")
return time + AICOM.Config.TurnRate + AICOM.Config.Random(AICOM.Config.TurnRate / 2)
G) Update this code in KI.Init.Depots()
function KI.Init.Depots()"KI.InitDepots called")
******* THIS CODE BELOW ********
local objects = coalition.getStaticObjects(1)
for i = 1, #objects do
local obj = objects[i]
local n = obj:getName()
H) Update this code in KI.lua"KI - Initializing Scheduled Functions")
timer.scheduleFunction(function(args, t)
************ THIS CODE BELOW ****************
-- IsPlayerInZone takes (side, time) as parameters
local success, result = xpcall(function() return KI.Scheduled.IsPlayerInZone(1, t) end,
function(err)"KI.Scheduled.IsPlayerInZone ERROR : " .. err) end)
if not success then
return t + KI.Config.PlayerInZoneCheckRate
return result
end, 1, timer.getTime() + KI.Config.PlayerInZoneCheckRate)
I) Update this code in AICOM.Analyze
function AICOM.Analyze(CapturePoints)"AICOM.Analyze Called")
if CapturePoints then"AICOM.Analyze - CapturePoints not null")
else"AICOM.Analyze - WARNING CapturePoints null")
return {}
local _cpAnalysis = {}
for i = 1, #CapturePoints do
local _cp = CapturePoints[i]
if _cp.SpawnZone1 and _cp.SpawnZone2 then
local _cost = 0
local _own = _cp:GetOwnership()
local _type = 0
-- Assign initial cost values for the ownership of a point
-- Neutral points are the most valuable to the AI
-- Contested are second most important
-- Blue are third, with red being forth
************** CHANGE THIS CODE BELOW****************
if _own == "Neutral" then
_cost = _cost + 1
_type = AICOM.Enum.Actions.Attack
elseif _own == "Blue" then
_cost = _cost + 5
_type = AICOM.Enum.Actions.Attack
elseif _own == "Red" then
_cost = _cost + 7
_type = AICOM.Enum.Actions.Reinforce
-- contested
_cost = _cost + 3
_type = AICOM.Enum.Actions.Reinforce
-- now include blue units and red units into the cost (with red units being half the cost of a blue unit)
************* CHANGE THIS CODE BELOW *******************
_cost = _cost + _cp.BlueUnits
if _cp.RedUnits > 0 then
_cost = _cost + (_cp.RedUnits / 2) -- add red units as a cost, but for half the price of blue units
table.insert(_cpAnalysis, { CapturePoint = _cp, Cost = _cost, Action = _type })
else"AICOM.Analyze - Capture Point " .. _cp.Name .. " has no spawn zone - ignoring")
end"AICOM.Analyze - Dumping results")
return _cpAnalysis
J) Update this code in CP:Fortify
***** ALL REFERENCES to .RedUnits need to be side agnostic **********
function CP:Fortify(resource, val)"CP.Fortify called")
val = val or 1
local msg = ""
local result = false
local newtotal = self.RedUnits + val
if newtotal <= self.MaxCapacity then"CP:Fortify - CP has enough capacity to accept this fortification")
result = true
msg = self.Name .. " fortified with " .. resource .. "! (Capacity: " .. tostring(newtotal) .. " / " .. tostring(self.MaxCapacity) .. ")"
msg = "Capture Point cannot be fortified any further! (Capacity: " .. tostring(self.RedUnits) .. " / " .. tostring(self.MaxCapacity) .. ")"
return result, msg
K) Update this code in CP:SetCoalitionCounts
function CP:SetCoalitionCounts(reds, blues)"CP.SetCoalitionCounts called")
self.BlueUnits = blues
self.RedUnits = reds
local own = CP.GetOwnership(self)
if self.Owner ~= own then
*********** UPDATE THIS CODE BELOW **************
trigger.action.outTextForCoalition(1, "ALERT --- " .. self.Name .. " is now " .. own, 10)
self.Owner = own
L) Update this code in KI.Scheduled.UpdateCPStatus
function KI.Scheduled.UpdateCPStatus(arg, time)"KI.Scheduled.UpdateCPStatus called")
local _rGroups = coalition.getGroups(1, Group.Category.GROUND)
local _bGroups = coalition.getGroups(2, Group.Category.GROUND)
for i = 1, #KI.Data.CapturePoints do
local _indicesToRemove = {}
local _cp = KI.Data.CapturePoints[i]
local _rcnt = 0
local _bcnt = 0
local _z = _cp.Zone
local _slotsdisabled = false
-- arg is boolean indicating if this is a first time run of this function
-- on the very first call to UpdateCPStatus - set all slots to disabled
-- then let the function correct itself and open up any slots after counting all the units
****************** THIS CODE BELOW *************************
if (_cp.BlueUnits > 0 or _cp.RedUnits <= 0) and not arg then
_slotsdisabled = true
All code changed, unit tests passed.
Game Tests remaining:
A) Accessing Depot F10 menu works on red and blue side B) Slotblocking works on blue and red side C) ConfigChecker works as expected on new config entries D) Spawning cargo works as expected on red and blue side E) Messages to coalition are working on the correct coalition F) Fortifying CP works for both blue and red sides G) Depot Initialization works on both blue and red sides H) AICOM works on both Blue and Red sides I) IsPlayerInZone messages work for both blue and red sides J) Reloading mission data from file works correctly for blue and red sides
Game Test Results: Both Red and Blue sides
A) Pass B) No Test C) Pass D) Pass E) Pass F) Pass G) Pass H) Pass I) Pass J) Pass
B) Slot blocking test pass
Currently almost all code only works for Red side - this should be configurable and agnostic to what side is being used for players.
Making this pvp compatible will be more difficult, but at least provide ability for code to run on blue coalition vs red coalition via config setting.