KaukausInsurgency / ki-dcs

Kaukasus Insurgency
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Implement OnChatEvents #236

Closed Igneous01 closed 6 years ago

Igneous01 commented 6 years ago

Need to add code to autoincrement a chatID each time a Chat Event callback is invoked

Need to implement the callback for Chat Events and the necessary plumbing code to send the message out through TCP communication

The request would look something like { "Action":"AddOrUpdateChat", "BulkQuery":true, "Destination":"REDIS", "Data":{"RedisID1":{JSON DATA}, "RedisID2":{JSON DATA}}

We would need to modify the "Data" format for REDIS to inject the Redis ID to be supplied so that when we receive a bulk request we can quickly insert/update data based on the "RedisID" string

So for example, the request {"Action":"AddOrUpdateChat", "Data": {"1:1":{...}, "1:2":{...}, "1:3":{...} } } would be read by the TCP server and interpreted as "Chat:1:1", "Chat:1:2", "Chat:1:3", ...