Kava-Labs / switch

Swap BTC, ETH, DAI & XRP in seconds. Keep your private keys private.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to Add DAI on the Mainnet #8

Open mrghubba opened 5 years ago

mrghubba commented 5 years ago

After entering private keys for DAI, Switch runs indefinitely but nothing happens.

kincaidoneil commented 5 years ago

Can confirm, also experiencing this. Looks like it's failing to make a connection to the connector, hitting a 502 Gateway timeout error (but only for DAI, maybe an nginx config change?).

Also, XRP on testnet isn't working for me (the XRP testnet was relaunched this week, so that requires generating new credentials for the connector).

I'm no longer at Kava, but pinging @karzak or @rhuairahrighairidh -- they may be able to help