Not sure why I've landed here, but whatever. The script is still frankly quite a mess of weirdly formatted code but this removes about 9400(!?) lines while keeping identical functionality (and formatting, kinda), so its at least a bit nicer.
I don't own pubg myself so I couldn't actually test if the recoil is properly stopped, but the mouse movement part itself appears to work fine in testing
Also fixes a minor bug where the GROZAA wouldn't have its function defined until after the first OnEvent call happened due to a mis-placed end
Mostly made by using the below lua code on the original text:
local AntiRecoilSection = InputString:sub(InputString:find("THIS IS THE ANTI RECOIL SECTION"), -1)
-- print(AntiRecoilSection)
local function MakeSequence(t)
local out = "{"
for _,v in next,t do
out = out .. "{"..v[1]..","..v[2].."},"
return out:sub(1, -2) .. "}"
local NewVersion = {}
local CurrentStorage = {}
for line in AntiRecoilSection:gmatch("(.-)\n") do
if line:find("function ") then
-- new function!
print("New function", line)
CurrentStorage = {}
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = line
elseif line:find("MoveMouseRelative%(0%*mult, 0%)") then
-- sequence end
print("Sequence end")
-- create stuff here
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "local sequence = " .. MakeSequence(CurrentStorage)
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "for i = 1, #sequence do"
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "MoveMouseRelative(sequence[i][1]*mult, sequence[i][2]*mult)"
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "if i == #sequence then Sleep(1400) elseif i == #sequence-1 then Sleep(100) else Sleep(17) end"
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "if not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) then break end"
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = "end"
local changed = line:gsub("MoveMouseRelative%(0%*mult, 0%) ?", "")
if changed ~= "" then
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = changed
elseif line:find("%)Sleep%(%d+%) if not IsMouseButtonPressed") then
-- sequence step
if not line:match("(%-?%d+)%*mult, ?(%-?%d+)%*mult") then
print("DONT LIKE", line)
CurrentStorage[#CurrentStorage+1] = {line:match("(%-?%d+)%*mult, ?(%-?%d+)%*mult")}
NewVersion[#NewVersion+1] = line:gsub("^ *", "")
end"done.lua", "w+"):write(table.concat(NewVersion, "\n"))
Not sure why I've landed here, but whatever. The script is still frankly quite a mess of weirdly formatted code but this removes about 9400(!?) lines while keeping identical functionality (and formatting, kinda), so its at least a bit nicer.
I don't own pubg myself so I couldn't actually test if the recoil is properly stopped, but the mouse movement part itself appears to work fine in testing
Also fixes a minor bug where the GROZAA wouldn't have its function defined until after the first OnEvent call happened due to a mis-placed
Mostly made by using the below lua code on the original text: