Kavca / dementia-akm-models

Repository for Models for the Dementia treatment project
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EHR attributes #11

Open SnorreFossland opened 1 year ago

SnorreFossland commented 1 year ago

Electronic health record attributes (EHR)

SnorreFossland commented 1 year ago

EHR Note attributes

Patient Information: This includes the patient's name, date of birth, gender, address, contact information, and insurance details.

Date and Time: The date and time of the EHR note creation, as well as the date and time of the patient's appointment or encounter.

Provider Information: The name, title, and contact information of the healthcare provider who created the EHR note, as well as the name and contact information of the healthcare facility.

Chief Complaint: The primary reason for the patient's visit or encounter, as described by the patient.

History of Present Illness: A detailed description of the patient's current symptoms, including the onset, duration, severity, and any factors that may aggravate or alleviate the symptoms.

Past Medical History: A summary of the patient's previous medical conditions, surgeries, hospitalizations, and any ongoing treatments or medications.

Family History: A summary of the patient's family medical history, including any genetic or hereditary conditions.

Social History: A summary of the patient's lifestyle, including occupation, living situation, substance use, and any other relevant factors that may impact their health.

Review of Systems: A comprehensive review of the patient's body systems, including any symptoms or concerns related to each system.

Physical Examination: A detailed description of the healthcare provider's findings during the physical examination, including any abnormalities or concerns.

Assessment: The healthcare provider's evaluation of the patient's condition, including a diagnosis or differential diagnosis.

Plan: The healthcare provider's recommended course of action, including any treatments, medications, referrals, or follow-up appointments.

Medications: A list of the patient's current medications, including the name, dosage, frequency, and duration of each medication.

Allergies: A list of the patient's known allergies, including the type of reaction and severity.

Immunizations: A record of the patient's immunization history, including the type of vaccine, date administered, and any adverse reactions.

Laboratory and Imaging Results: A summary of any laboratory tests or imaging studies performed, including the results and any significant findings.

Consultations: A record of any consultations with other healthcare providers, including the reason for the consultation and the outcome.

Patient Education: A summary of any education or counseling provided to the patient, including the topics discussed and any resources provided.

Signature: The healthcare provider's signature, indicating that they have reviewed and approved the EHR note.