Kawa-oneechan / SCICompanion

SCI Companion - an editor for Sierra SCI games, altered.
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Feature Request: Allow non English text in Vocabulary #4

Open ZvikaZ opened 4 years ago

ZvikaZ commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to check feasibility of Hebrew translation for SQ3. When I tried to modify words to Hebrew in Vocab.000, SCICompanion errored with Words must contain only letters or numbers. There is no reason to constrain that - maybe issue a warning, if we want to be on the safe side.

Can you remove that limit?

An example for the error: Replace group 474 (examine | gaze | inspect | look | observe | peer | scan | stare | view) with הבט.

Just a note - it is possible to replace text resources to Hebrew.

Kawa-oneechan commented 4 years ago

I believe the earlier version of the dictionary vocab has a format that explicitly only allows plain old numbers and letters because of its internal compression (the thing that lets it store apple, applesauce, application as [0]apple, [5]sauce, [4]ication), so even if I removed that limitation you wouldn't be able to store the Hebrew version.

This cannot be changed without replacing the entire interpreter with a later SCI0 version that takes the later dictionary vocabs, and that brings its own can of worms.

Not to mention, isn't Hebrew written right to left? That's a can of worms that's not even on store shelves as far as I know!

ZvikaZ commented 4 years ago

Just for reference, we're having in interleaved discussion here and in http://sciprogramming.com/community/index.php?topic=1891.msg13249#msg13249

I understood the problem with supporting Hebrew with vocab.000.

Anyway, I also have problems with Hebrew on vocab.900, while it's working in 'SCICompanion910' attached at http://sciprogramming.com/community/index.php?topic=1781.msg11702#msg11702

ZvikaZ commented 4 years ago

Just to be clear - even with new QFG2, without my modifications, I can't add Hebrew letters to vocab.900. I think this limitation can be removed (as you've done at SCICompanion910).
