KawaiiBone / LethalCompanyRemnants

Adds store items as scrap, to be found in moons as scrap in Lethal Company. You can now also find the bodies of previous crews accompanying their former gear.
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[Feature Request] Despawn items only at game end, and or tell remnant items apart from other scrap. #15

Closed Sourceshard closed 2 months ago

Sourceshard commented 2 months ago

I would love to have a setting in the config that gives the option that remnant items picked up by the player are considered shop items but still retain their scrap value.

This way if a team wipes, the Remnant items will remain on the ship only disappearing when the game ends and they are voided into space.

I would also love a way of knowing what items are remnant items. That way when purchasing items I can account for item loss if remnant items disappear on a wipe.

KawaiiBone commented 2 months ago

This feature is already in this mod, you can enable this feature in the config. It is in the section called Save/Load and the variable you will need to change is called Despawn remnant items on party wipe.

For now the only way you can see the difference in remnant items and shop items is that you can scan remnant items and not shop items, plus remnant items has a scrap value.

Normally you cannot buy remnant items, they can only be found on moons.