Kay9Unit / Dragon-Mounts-Legacy

Github Repository for the Dragon Mounts: Legacy Minecraft Mod. Please Report any issues here!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Having trouble making a "low code mod" for DML #213

Open xxr4cc opened 4 months ago

xxr4cc commented 4 months ago

File: DML_r4cc.zip

Steps to Reproduce: Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge: 47.2.0

  1. Copy Example Addon File
  2. zip it
  3. rename it to .jar
  4. add to mod file

Description of issue: I've been having trouble making a new breed for the mod, i'm currently on version 1.20.1 forge 47.2.0 and i copied the example addon changed some file names and it's still not working, can anyone help? i noticed the owner its a lil inactive atm :/

Kay9Unit commented 2 months ago

Your datapack has a lot of inconsistent casing of the mod id throughout. The mod ID sometimes contains capital letters, and sometimes do not, so the game is getting confused as to what's referencing what. The convention is to always stick with lowercase letters in ID's like that. (In fact, im pretty sure some stuff breaks if capital letters are used, so I really would just avoid them like the plague)

I understand creating a low code mod is frustrating without proper documentation. The wiki has gotten more information since you created your issue however, so I do recommend checking it out if it helps some more.

Also, if you report back with issues, do you mind providing game logs of the game attempting to load your pack? Logs contain useful info on what broke the syntax.