Kayizoku / mpv-rename

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[Rename.lua] Feature requests #10

Open KonoVitoDa opened 9 months ago

KonoVitoDa commented 9 months ago

EDIT: Just noticed the scale and font size can be changed inside user-input.lua. Is the behavior I mentioned in the 1st point also dependant on user-input itself?

mrfragger commented 1 month ago

from user-input.lua and they work .there is not select all, undo or redo or the shift select.

-- Clear the current line (Ctrl+C)

-- Paste text (Ctrl+V) or (Meta+V)

-- Go to the specified relative position in the command history (Up, Down)

-- Go to the first command in the command history (PgUp)

-- Stop browsing history and start editing a blank line (PgDown)

-- Move to the start of the current word, or if already at the start, the start of the previous word. (Ctrl+Left). [t<-- didn't work on Mac) Alt+b does though

-- Move to the end of the current word, or if already at the end, the end of the next word. (Ctrl+Right) (<--didn't work on Mac) Alt+f does though

-- Move the cursor to the beginning of the line (HOME) [on Mac fn+left)

-- Move the cursor to the end of the line (END) [on Mac fn+right]

-- Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the word (Ctrl+Backspace) or (Ctrl+W)

-- Delete from the cursor to the end of the word (Ctrl+Delete) or (Alt+d)

-- Delete from the cursor to the end of the line (Ctrl+K)

-- Delete from the cursor back to the start of the line (Ctrl+U)

mrfragger commented 1 month ago

font size 33

    text = "\n[Ctrl+c] Clear current line\n[HOME/fn+Left] Move to start of line\n[END/fn+Right] Move to end of line\n[Alt+b] Move back a word\n[Alt+f] Move forward a word\n[Ctrl+w] Delete a word backwards\n[Alt+d] Delete a word forwards\n[Ctrl+k] Delete to end of line\n[Ctrl+u] Delete to start of line\nEnter new filename:",