Kayusme / logistics3

A web app for logistics company for customers to calculate price, checkout, track consignments, and admin panel using codeigniter
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Sweep: create the database for the app, create login module for admin, admin should be able to add new users. add a module for consignment status update. add a reporting module for user logs, consignments processed. and update all affected files #8

Closed Kayusme closed 11 months ago

Kayusme commented 11 months ago
Checklist - [X] `application/database/schema.sql` > • Create a users table with fields for id, username, password, and email. > • Create a consignments table with fields for id, status, and tracking id. > • Create a logs table with fields for id, user id, log message, and timestamp. - [X] `application/controllers/LoginController.php` > • Create a function for handling admin login. This function should validate the input, check the credentials against the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response. - [X] `application/controllers/AdminController.php` > • Add a function for adding new users. This function should validate the input, insert the new user into the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response. - [X] `application/controllers/PackageController.php` > • Add a function for updating the status of a consignment. This function should validate the input, update the status in the consignments table in the database, and return an appropriate response. - [X] `application/controllers/ReportController.php` > • Create a function for fetching user logs. This function should retrieve the logs from the logs table in the database and return them in an appropriate format. > • Create a function for fetching processed consignments. This function should retrieve the consignments from the consignments table in the database and return them in an appropriate format.
sweep-ai[bot] commented 11 months ago

Here's the PR! https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/pull/11.

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-3.5 to create this ticket. You have 4 GPT-4 tickets left for the month and 0 for the day. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal. To retrigger Sweep, edit the issue.

Step 1: 🔍 Code Search

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description. https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/blob/852b3fc765d014d82a09426e09ce6c6bd2cf5111/application/controllers/PackageController.php#L1-L22 https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/blob/852b3fc765d014d82a09426e09ce6c6bd2cf5111/application/controllers/AdminController.php#L1-L16 https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/blob/852b3fc765d014d82a09426e09ce6c6bd2cf5111/README.md#L1-L1 https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/blob/852b3fc765d014d82a09426e09ce6c6bd2cf5111/application/controllers/PriceCalculator.php#L1-L30 https://github.com/Kayusme/logistics3/blob/852b3fc765d014d82a09426e09ce6c6bd2cf5111/application/models/PriceModel.php#L1-L10

Step 2: 🧐 Snippet Analysis

From looking through the relevant snippets, I decided to make the following modifications:

File Path Proposed Changes
application/database/schema.sql Create application/database/schema.sql with contents:
• Create a users table with fields for id, username, password, and email.
• Create a consignments table with fields for id, status, and tracking id.
• Create a logs table with fields for id, user id, log message, and timestamp.
application/controllers/LoginController.php Create application/controllers/LoginController.php with contents:
• Create a function for handling admin login. This function should validate the input, check the credentials against the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
application/controllers/AdminController.php Modify application/controllers/AdminController.php with contents:
• Add a function for adding new users. This function should validate the input, insert the new user into the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
application/controllers/PackageController.php Modify application/controllers/PackageController.php with contents:
• Add a function for updating the status of a consignment. This function should validate the input, update the status in the consignments table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
application/controllers/ReportController.php Create application/controllers/ReportController.php with contents:
• Create a function for fetching user logs. This function should retrieve the logs from the logs table in the database and return them in an appropriate format.
• Create a function for fetching processed consignments. This function should retrieve the consignments from the consignments table in the database and return them in an appropriate format.

Step 3: 📝 Planning

I have created a plan for writing the pull request. I am now working my plan and coding the required changes to address this issue. Here is the planned pull request:

Add database, login module, user management, consignment status update, and reporting module sweep/add-functionality


This PR adds the necessary functionalities to the logistics3 application as requested in the issue. The changes include the creation of a database, a login module for the admin, the ability for the admin to add new users, a module for consignment status update, and a reporting module for user logs and processed consignments. The affected files have been updated accordingly.

Summary of Changes

  • Created a new file application/database/schema.sql to define the database schema.
  • Added a new controller LoginController.php to handle admin login.
  • Updated AdminController.php to include a function for adding new users.
  • Updated PackageController.php to include a function for updating the status of a consignment.
  • Created a new controller ReportController.php to handle reports, including functions for fetching user logs and processed consignments.

Please review the changes and let me know if any further modifications are required.

Step 4: ⌨️ Coding

File Instructions Progress
application/database/schema.sql Create application/database/schema.sql with contents:
• Create a users table with fields for id, username, password, and email.
• Create a consignments table with fields for id, status, and tracking id.
• Create a logs table with fields for id, user id, log message, and timestamp.
✅ Commit a244f2b
application/controllers/LoginController.php Create application/controllers/LoginController.php with contents:
• Create a function for handling admin login. This function should validate the input, check the credentials against the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
✅ Commit a244f2b
application/controllers/AdminController.php Modify application/controllers/AdminController.php with contents:
• Add a function for adding new users. This function should validate the input, insert the new user into the users table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
✅ Commit 9fd3439
application/controllers/PackageController.php Modify application/controllers/PackageController.php with contents:
• Add a function for updating the status of a consignment. This function should validate the input, update the status in the consignments table in the database, and return an appropriate response.
✅ Commit 5a2e1b7
application/controllers/ReportController.php Create application/controllers/ReportController.php with contents:
• Create a function for fetching user logs. This function should retrieve the logs from the logs table in the database and return them in an appropriate format.
• Create a function for fetching processed consignments. This function should retrieve the consignments from the consignments table in the database and return them in an appropriate format.
✅ Commit 19110a3 I have finished coding the issue. I am now reviewing it for completeness.

Step 5: 🔁 Code Review

Here are my self-reviews of my changes at sweep/add-functionality.

Here is the 1st review

Thank you for your contribution. Here are some changes that need to be made:

  • In application/controllers/AdminController.php, please confirm the implementation of the insert_user function in the UserModel. Also, add error handling for the case when the insert_user function fails. Ensure the password is hashed before being stored in the database, and add checks for duplicate users, valid email, and complexity requirements for the username and password.

  • In application/controllers/LoginController.php, please confirm the implementation of the get_user_by_username function in the UserModel. Add error handling for the case when the get_user_by_username function fails. Handle the case when multiple users with the same username exist in the database. Implement session management to keep the user logged in after successful login, and log unsuccessful login attempts.

  • In application/controllers/PackageController.php, please confirm the implementation of the update_status function in the ConsignmentModel. Add error handling for the case when the update_status function fails. Check if the consignment with the given id exists before trying to update its status, and check if the given status is valid. Also, log the status update.

  • In application/controllers/ReportController.php, please confirm the implementation of the get_logs and get_consignments functions in the LogModel and ConsignmentModel respectively. Add error handling for the case when these functions fail. Check if the user has the necessary permissions to view the logs and consignments.

  • In application/database/schema.sql, hash passwords before storing them in the users table. Consider using an ENUM type for the status field in the consignments table. Add a foreign key constraint to the user_id field in the logs table. If the requirement is to track the last update time, update the timestamp field when the row is updated. Depending on the queries that will be run against these tables, add indexes for performance.

Please make these changes and submit a new pull request.

I finished incorporating these changes.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. Join Our Discord

Kayusme commented 11 months ago

Sweep: In application/controllers/AdminController.php, LoginController.php, PackageController.php, and ReportController.php, please add input validation and error handling to all functions. Also, consider loading models in the constructor if they are used in multiple functions.

In application/controllers/AdminController.php, LoginController.php, and PackageController.php, please confirm the implementation of the called functions in the respective models and add checks to ensure the operations were successful before returning.

In application/database/schema.sql, please hash passwords before storing them in the users table. Consider using an ENUM type for the status field in the consignments table if there are a limited number of possible statuses. Also, add a field to store the log message in the logs table.

In application/views/login_view.php, please confirm the implementation of the /login route and add error handling and feedback for the user. Also, add CSRF protection to the form.

In application/views/report_view.php, please add the necessary code to fetch and insert data into the tables for user logs and processed consignments. Also, add error handling, feedback for the user, and pagination or sorting functionality to the tables.

Kayusme commented 11 months ago

Sweep: revisit the failed tasks and ensure everything works properly

Kayusme commented 11 months ago

Sweep: customers should receive invoice in their emails after the consignment details have been submitted. the admins should also receive notifications both in the admin panel and their emails. Once users make payment, a tracking id should be mailed to them. add the initial admin as username: admin, password: admin

In application/controllers/AdminController.php, LoginController.php, PackageController.php, and ReportController.php, please add input validation and error handling to all functions. Also, consider loading models in the constructor if they are used in multiple functions.

In application/controllers/AdminController.php, LoginController.php, and PackageController.php, please confirm the implementation of the called functions in the respective models and add checks to ensure the operations were successful before returning.

In application/database/schema.sql, please hash passwords before storing them in the users table. Consider using an ENUM type for the status field in the consignments table if there are a limited number of possible statuses. Also, add a field to store the log message in the logs table.