Kazetsukai / operation-bad-pony

Web based game with physical character locations, inspired by MUDs.
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Game Objects #6

Closed Kazetsukai closed 9 years ago

Kazetsukai commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, just had a think on the bus this morning and last night about how to structure objects in the world.

My thoughts are heavily inspired by MUSH architecture, i.e. TinyMUX and PennMUSH.

So the idea is that everything in the world is an object. Then you have subtypes of objects i.e. Room, Door, Player.

All objects have a location except for rooms. This location means a player can be inside a room, an object can be inside a player, an objects can be inside a room, a player can be inside an object etc. (Also doors cannot be a location)

All objects can have a name, and a description as default properties. Doors have a destination, which is where you end up if you go through the door. A door is more of an abstract concept, so you could have the location "Open Field" and have a door "West", or you could have a more traditional "Door to the back room".

Also I am imagining that aside from a few specific hardcoded properties, you will be able to add any properties you like to an object. These properties could be arbitrary expressions in JavaScript, so they could be a value i.e. actionpoints = 20, or possibly even a function i.e. hifive = function (a) { emote(Name + " hi fives " + a.Name) }

Kazetsukai commented 9 years ago

I feel like this needs a diagram

Kazetsukai commented 9 years ago


Kazetsukai commented 9 years ago

Technically in MUSHes you could have doors inside people, and people inside people. Not sure if we want those. Being able to enter objects means we can do things like "Get in a car".

Kazetsukai commented 9 years ago

I'll prototype some of this to show you what I mean.

TroyWest commented 9 years ago

Seems pretty sensible to me, Looking forward to the prototype, concrete examples always help make sure we are all talking the same language