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Kotlin Multiplatform - Sharing code between Android, iOS and beyond... #40

Open stripethree opened 5 years ago

stripethree commented 5 years ago

Issue by KyleThompsonYEI Monday Mar 25, 2019 at 18:52 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/youearnedit/YEI-lunchnlearn/issues/35



stripethree commented 5 years ago

Comment by noahseger Tuesday Apr 30, 2019 at 15:11 GMT

@KyleThompsonYEI any recommendation on which of these would be the most valuable to watch as a team if we pick it up for one of the LnLs?

stripethree commented 5 years ago

Comment by KyleThompsonYEI Wednesday May 01, 2019 at 20:11 GMT

@noahseger I'd say the first video on the list (KotlinConf 2018 - Effective Multiplatform Kotlin Development by Marcin Moskala) would be the most interesting/practical for a LnL. While the bulk of the examples are mobile-focused there are some React web examples too.

The Touchlab webinar is a very interesting dive into the history of mobile cross-platform approaches and why KMP is different, but it's a bit slow.