Title: Creating Sticky Notes Dynamically with the Miro API & Postman
Date: June 22nd, 2023
Time: Event is 8 am Pacific, 11 am Eastern. Trying to reach more of our US based audience, but a post for our IST friends is appreciated as well.
AirTable:Link to AirTable entryRelevant Copy:
Join Postman advocacy team lead, Arlemi Turpault and Miro staff developer advocate, Will Bishop for an exciting livestream where they explore the Miro API using Postman, demonstrating how to dynamically create entries on Miro boards and enabling further collaboration. Learn to streamline your workflow and unlock new possibilities in Miro. Don't miss out!
Title: Creating Sticky Notes Dynamically with the Miro API & Postman Date: June 22nd, 2023 Time: Event is 8 am Pacific, 11 am Eastern. Trying to reach more of our US based audience, but a post for our IST friends is appreciated as well. AirTable: Link to AirTable entry Relevant Copy:
Link: https://youtu.be/gu9-kwi8Dns?list=PLM-7VG-sgbtAZs194_VaRc2tRMCrk2PUv Tags: Postman advocacy team lead, Arlemi Turpault and Miro staff developer advocate, Will Bishop Images: The default image embed should be fine, otherwise