Kdyby / Console

Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components
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DI injection for commands? #46

Open matak opened 8 years ago

matak commented 8 years ago

Nebyl by tady nějaký injecting? Toto DI není úplně ok ne? od doby co global context je fuj?

class SendNewslettersCommand extends Command
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Sends the newsletter');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $newsletterSender = $this->getHelper('container')->getByType('Models\NewsletterSender');
matej21 commented 8 years ago

You can use inject methods or @inject properties

matak commented 8 years ago

Perfect, thanks!

fprochazka commented 8 years ago

So.. solved? :)

matak commented 8 years ago

maybe this tip in doc would be fine, somebody could appreciate this

fprochazka commented 8 years ago


foxycode commented 8 years ago

@fprochazka One more thing, If I want to run command with injects annotations in other command using procedure from Symfony documentation

$container = $this->getHelper('container')->getContainer();
$command = $container->getByType('Kdyby\Console\Application')

I need to run


by hand, injects aren't called in find.

I also need to run this:

$arguments = [
    'command' => 'pair:productsToFilters',
    '--email' => $input->getOption('email'),
$pairProductsToFiltersInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
$command->run($pairProductsToFiltersInput, $output);

It would be nice to have shorter in Kdyby\Console for that. Something like:

    ->find('pair:productsToFilters') // inject are already called in this stage
    ->run($arguments, $output);
fprochazka commented 8 years ago

@foxycode that is wrong, you should run other commands using the Console\Application, just like Console\Tester\ApplicationTester does it.