Kdyby / Translation

Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
89 stars 84 forks source link

Release new version #129

Closed misaon closed 7 years ago

misaon commented 7 years ago

Please release new version with last commits, ver. 2.3.0 havent support for nette 2.4 and i need stable dependency in composer. Thanx.

Olicek commented 7 years ago

What we are waiting for? ping @fprochazka

landsman commented 7 years ago

ping @fprochazka

misaon commented 7 years ago

Guys, any idea for alternative? I think this repo is abandoned..

landsman commented 7 years ago

@misaon fork? dev-master not working?

misaon commented 7 years ago

i think i will fork tommorow.

fprochazka commented 7 years ago

FYI, it is not abandoned, I just have zero time to maintain it at this point. Which may seem like the same thing, but is not :)

landsman commented 7 years ago

@fprochazka what about some another contributor what can do these things and you trust him? :-)

Olicek commented 7 years ago

@fprochazka It would be nice to have more maintaners. I have some problems (or i require some new features) with 3 of kdyby packages.

What is your plan for next 3-6 months? Will you have some time to do some work at this packages? Or will some one who uses your packages regularly able to commits to master? This situation is realy similar to abandoned ;-)

I understand you have no time and you dont need use kdyby packages regularly. Qustion is, if it is better make some maintaner(s) or split kdyby packages to a few forks... ?

fprochazka commented 7 years ago

I would much rather have somebody help me with maintenance. Ideally somebody who uses the package. Forking is a solution (for you), but imho there is no need to shatter the focus of community.

landsman commented 7 years ago

@fprochazka What about some public question for the maintainers on #Nettefw forum?

Olicek commented 7 years ago

@fprochazka exactly. It is my opinion also. Can i try find some people for this (ask for you, if you have no time for recruiting)?

I would like to take care of some packages, but i dont think i would be able to keep high level of kdyby code. :-(

camohub commented 7 years ago

Still not working.

fprochazka commented 7 years ago

I will release it probably today. Not sure yet, I'll have to go throught the issues first.

fprochazka commented 7 years ago

FYI https://filip-prochazka.com/paid-support