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KeY Theorem Prover for Deductive Java Verification
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SMT translation of unknown values incorrect #3262

Closed FliegendeWurst closed 9 months ago

FliegendeWurst commented 1 year ago


It is is possible to prove the following using Z3:

 \forall Seq s; s = seqDef{int u;}(0, s.length, s[u]),
 seqSub(s1, 0, maxx - 1).length = maxx - 1
 s1.length = maxx - 1

Equivalent .key:

\functions {
  Seq s1;
  int maxx;

\problem {
  \forall Seq s; (s = (seqDef{int u;}(0, s.length, any::seqGet(s, u))))
  & seqLen(seqSub(s1, 0, maxx - 1)) = maxx - 1
  s1.length = maxx - 1

Additional information

This is the relevant part of the SMT translation:

; --- Sequent
    (forall ((var_s U)) (=> (instanceof var_s sort_Seq) (= var_s unknown_0)))
      (k_seqLen (k_seqSub u_s1 (i2u 0) (i2u (- (u2i u_maxx) 1))))
      (i2u (- (u2i u_maxx) 1)))
  (! (not (= (k_seqLen u_s1) (i2u (- (u2i u_maxx) 1)))) :named L_3))
; --- Translation of unknown values
; unknown_0 :  seqDef{u:int}(Z(0(#)),seqLen(s),any::seqGet(s,u))

In particular I think this allows the SMT solver to prove seqSub(s1, 0, maxx - 1) = unknown_0 = s1, which is obviously wrong.

cc @WolframPfeifer @mattulbrich

WolframPfeifer commented 12 months ago

Just for the fun: You can easily prove false as soon as you have at least to sequences that are not identical. The following can be proven instantly by SMT:

\functions {
  Seq s1;
  Seq s2;

\problem {
  \forall Seq s; (s = (seqDef{int u;}(0, s.length, any::seqGet(s, u))))
  & s1 != s2

Note that the sub-formula with the universal quantifier is the formula introduced by the taclet seqSelfDefinition for any sequent.