Keats / kickstart

A scaffolding tool to get new projects up and running quickly
MIT License
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Man pages #32

Open Arteneko opened 4 years ago

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

What do you think about including man pages with the tool / releases (or alongside the release binaries)?

I wrote some for a project for a linux tool, and I find it really useful to have the tool / configuration documentation right on my computer, in a format I can use in my terminal, on a centralized place.

Keats commented 4 years ago

What would be in those man pages? It seems like it would be a copy of the README.

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

Pretty much. Maybe an in-depth template documentation, too.

It's nice to be able to have a locally browsable documentation that can be found in the same place as other docs.

Some tools to convert Markdown to troff probably exists, too.

(darnit, github not taking my email replies into account, makes me forget about issues I failed to answer through email)