Keats / kickstart

A scaffolding tool to get new projects up and running quickly
MIT License
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Winget package manager integration #41

Open Arteneko opened 4 years ago

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

What do you think about providing your tool as installable through the winget windows package manager?

I would think that it'd be awesome

Keats commented 4 years ago

I don't use Windows but would welcome someone doing that.

I need to go back to this project and see if anything is missing before calling it 1.0 as well, let me know if you have feedback on it!

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

Since I have sinx I build for windows (using your azure pipeline for now!), I'm thinking about trying to package it.

If I find the time to do so, and publish it, I'll let you know

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

Okay, so I tried to package sinx for winget, but failed to do so, because their packaging solution isn't including zip archives containing binaries, and their manifest system is too restricted for me.

So since I don't want to try to create a full msi packaging as I only have 3 binaries and windows is not my main platform either, I'm stopping my try there. Since kickstart only have one binary, it'll probably be much simpler, though!

(and they use yaml, yuck)