Keats / kickstart

A scaffolding tool to get new projects up and running quickly
MIT License
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Github shorthand issues #47

Closed chevdor closed 3 years ago

chevdor commented 3 years ago

I tested shorthand and subfolder and that looks unhappy:

kickstart gh:Keats/kickstart -s examples/super-basic
Tmp dir: "/var/folders/9g/zcrsl3n9135455gx1zb2t6pc0000gn/T/"
Error: The template.toml is missing% 

I also tested something simpler:

kickstart gh:Keats/kickstart-sample   
Tmp dir: "/var/folders/9g/zcrsl3n9135455gx1zb2t6pc0000gn/T/"
Error: The template.toml is missing%   

Using kickstart does work fine.

Keats commented 3 years ago

This is using git shortcuts, do you have them set up in your gitconfig?

chevdor commented 3 years ago

I did not know about those so surely not. Let me check how that works, I will check again and likely close this issue today if everything works fine.

Keats commented 3 years ago

You can put something like

[url ""]
    insteadOf = gh:

[url ""]
    insteadOf = bb:

in your .gitconfig but I think it's confusing to have that in the README since it looks like a kickstart native feature... I should probably remove it,.

chevdor commented 3 years ago

Yes, indeed, I did think it was from kickstart. You could remove it (simpler) or better just mention that the shorthands must be defined before the next examples can work (

chevdor commented 3 years ago

Closing, it works fine indeed, once the shorthands are set.