Keats / tera

A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Macros for making Context have less boilerplate #861

Open MarcusSanchez opened 11 months ago

MarcusSanchez commented 11 months ago

Make a macro that allows quick Context for easy drop in values. Something like this:

    macro_rules! ctx {
            $($key:literal : $value:expr),* $(,)?
        }) => {
                let mut ctx = Context::new();
                    ctx.insert($key, $value);

That allows this:

    let mut context = Context::new();
    context.insert("Hello", "world");
    context.insert("answer", &42);
    context.insert("person", &person);

to turn into:

    let context = ctx!({
        "hello": "world",
        "answer": &42,
        "person": &person

The exact syntax for the macro doesn't really matter, anything really will be nice, just not a context.insert() every line, this will also make it easier to pass these as parameters.

Keats commented 11 months ago

This will probably be added in v2

GandelXIV commented 8 months ago

@MarcusSanchez I wrote this very simple implementation for my personal projects:

macro_rules! context {
            $key:ident $(=> $value:expr)? $(,)*
    ) => {
            let mut context = Context::new();
                context.insert(stringify!($key), $($value)?);

Using it this way:

let ctx = context! {
    name => "Jack",
    age => 24

Expands to:

let ctx = {
    let mut context = Context::new();
    context.insert("name", "Jack");
    context.insert("age", 24);
GandelXIV commented 8 months ago

We could also get inspiration from minijinja's implementation

GandelXIV commented 8 months ago

Made a pull request #887