KebsCS / KBotExt

All-in-one application that sends custom requests to League of Legends LCU api
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Suggests for personal needs #187

Open yiyska opened 1 year ago

yiyska commented 1 year ago

Hi, since my pc is extremely bad its rather hard for me to go through the League Client without going through problems, thankfully I was able to ignore a lot of these problems using KBotExt. But, there are some issues that I'm yet to be able to go through even with KBot help, such as Runes (I know that KBot has automated rune changing, but I like to choose my own runes and when I try to do that on the client app I always lag and sometimes I fail to choose the runes I want before game starts.), Honoring (I'd love to be able to automatically honor and pick whom I want to honor, maybe based on KDA or based on total damage or a friend I'm playing with, or a specific friends in case I'm playing with multiple.), Ability to insta-pick without declaring the champion I'm picking or at least declaring the champion after the ban phase passes, because of immature people who would ban ur champion just for the fun of it. Ability to insta-pick based on role and Ability to insta-ban based on role.

⬆ that's the long explanation of the features I want and for what reason

⬇this is the short one

1) Ability to hand-pick runes on KBot. (due to laggy client) (a lot of applications has that, but all of these applications just make me lag more)

2) Insta-Auto Honor. Duo / Highest KDA / Specific premade / Highest damage (I found a software that has the auto-honor(sadly only based on best kda): LOL Client TOOL

3) Insta-pick based on lane and/or insta-pick without declaring the champion before ban phase (there used to be a software that is outdated rn called Valak that had that feature, it wasn't an open source so I can't find the github for that one.)

4) Insta-ban based on lane (same valak)

⬆ this what I really need due to a laggy client

⬇ these are just suggestions that would also help me, but I don't particularly need them

5) Auto switch position (first/last pick and/or a closer pick to first/last)

6) Re-Queue, sometimes it takes me forever to go back to the queue

7) Insta change roles when a finding match restarts (IF the roles were changed while the finding match was running)

8) Automatically change friend icon (the icon that only shows to friends only) for when logging in, coming back from a game, because these are the only 2 instances that would revert the icon back to normal

9) Ability to copy a username from friendlist or ur own username in case it has a special unicode character

I really, REALLY need hand picking runes and honoring because honoring keeps me just stuck for a solid minute and I never have the runes I want, its always the prepicked runes that league suggests.