KechrisLab / MSPrep

A processing pipeline for the summarization, normalization and diagnostics of mass spectrometry–based metabolomics data.
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Metabolomics and mass spec resources for Bioconductor incorporation #1

Closed mmulvahill closed 5 years ago

mmulvahill commented 7 years ago

I checked Biocondcutor and there were only 31 packages with the "metabolomics" search term. I removed some that were not obviously related. Attached is a list, but some of those may not be as relevant either - I don't have time now to look at each of them.

But if it helps, we are looking at data from LC/MS - which is related to GC/MS or other mass spectrometry (MS) based methods - but not related to NMR methods.

Packages I know better are 'xcms', which is widely used. The authors of "metabomxr" visited last year and we're in touch with them, they could be a good resource.

Other relevant packages from the Emory group that we work with:

Package Name Authors Description
biosigner Philippe Rinaudo Etienne Thevenot Signature discovery from omics data
CAMERA Steffen Neumann Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data
cosmiq David Fischer Christian Panse cosmiq - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities
IPO Thomas Riebenbauer Automated Optimization of XCMS Data Processing parameters
MAIT Francesc Fernandez-Albert Statistical Analysis of Metabolomic Data
Metab Raphael Aggio Metab: An R Package for a High-Throughput Analysis of Metabolomics Data Generated by GC-MS.
metabomxtr Michael Nodzenski A package to run mixture models for truncated metabolomics data with normal or lognormal distributions
metaMS Ron Wehrens MS-based metabolomics annotation pipeline
MetCirc Thomas Naake Navigating mass spectral similarity in high-resolution MS/MS metabolomics data
MWASTools Andrea Rodriguez-Martinez Rafael Ayala MWASTools: an integrated pipeline to perform metabolome-wide association studies
mzR Bernd Fischer Steffen Neumann Laurent Gatto Qiang Kou parser for netCDF mzXML mzData and mzML and mzIdentML files (mass spectrometry data)
OmicsMarkeR Charles E. Determan Jr. Classification and Feature Selection for 'Omics' Datasets
PAPi Raphael Aggio Predict metabolic pathway activity based on metabolomics data
pathview Weijun Luo a tool set for pathway based data integration and visualization
Rdisop Steffen Neumann Decomposition of Isotopic Patterns
RMassBank RMassBank at Eawag Workflow to process tandem MS files and build MassBank records
ropls Etienne A. Thevenot PCA PLS(-DA) and OPLS(-DA) for multivariate analysis and feature selection of omics data
SIMAT Mo R. Nezami Ranjbar GC-SIM-MS data processing and alaysis tool
statTarget Hemi Luan Statistical Analysis of Metabolite Profile
xcms Steffen Neumann LC/MS and GC/MS Data Analysis
yamss Leslie Myint Tools for high-throughput metabolomics
mmulvahill commented 6 years ago

The xcms package (actually xcms3 now) has promising ideas for incorporation with bioconductor.

  • Make use and extend classes defined in the MSnbase package.
  • Implement class versioning (Biobase’s Versioned class).
  • Use BiocParallel for parallel processing.

from the xcmsPreprocess vignette -- what are these file formats:

AIA/ANDI format NetCDF, mzXML, and mzData files Should know this before fixing readdata()...

mmulvahill commented 6 years ago

Next question to get answered — what in-data format do we want? Do any of these MSnbase formats apply?

mmulvahill commented 5 years ago

We agreed to submit to CRAN and if possible rOpenSci instead of Bioconductor -- none of our statisticians use enough of the Bioconductor infrastructure to make it worth the effort to add support for the necessary S4 classes.