I've installed the latest version of KCWI_DRP (v1.2.0), as I am using python3.12 and have an M2 chip on MacOS.
When running the command reduce_kcwi -b -f kb*.fits.gz -g, an error is raised from line 13 in keckdrpframework/init.py:
The line "from distutils.version import LooseVersion" cannot work as distutils is no longer part of python >= 3.12.
This issue has been raised on the KeckDRPFramework github on November 1 (https://github.com/Keck-DataReductionPipelines/KeckDRPFramework/issues/63).
I believe setuptools would be the alternative to use to make it work.
I've installed the latest version of KCWI_DRP (v1.2.0), as I am using python3.12 and have an M2 chip on MacOS. When running the command reduce_kcwi -b -f kb*.fits.gz -g, an error is raised from line 13 in keckdrpframework/init.py: The line "from distutils.version import LooseVersion" cannot work as distutils is no longer part of python >= 3.12. This issue has been raised on the KeckDRPFramework github on November 1 (https://github.com/Keck-DataReductionPipelines/KeckDRPFramework/issues/63).
I believe setuptools would be the alternative to use to make it work.
Thank you for your help!