Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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Run ESPRESSO Pipeline #104

Closed arpita308 closed 3 years ago

arpita308 commented 3 years ago

Download, install, and run ESPRESSO pipeline ( We will want to refer and compare our performance to the ESPRESSO pipeline as the end-to-end state of the art in precision pipelines. Many formerly confidential algorithms used by the HARPS/ESPRESSO team are also available for scrutiny in this code so we should know how to look up relevant parts for each module.

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Have been working on installation - ran into issues and emailed back and worth with an ESO user helper and seemed to fix the issue. However, running into a problem installing one of the dependencies (esopipe-espdr-datademo). Seemed to be installing more than an hour and a half, restarted terminal and still seems to get stuck while installing. If it doesn't install by the end of today I will send another email.

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

I believe it is finally installed!

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Errors/problems I have run into so far with ESPRESSO:


  1. Began installation, was then told I needed the Java Development Kit (JDK). I don’t believe it says that I require this anywhere on the instruction page

  2. Had further problems, it became clear that the issue I was having would be resolved in the next update to ESPRESSO online. ESO helper then strongly recommended I use MacPorts. I then had to install MacPorts and Xcode command line tools, as well. To be fair, it does say that they recommended using MacPorts on the main installation page for macOS 10.11 - 10.14, but not 10.15 which is the most up to date operating system. Hence, I disregarded the recommendation at first.

  3. “[ ERROR ] esorex: Unable to find recipe 'recipe'. Check that the recipe is in the path specified by the '--recipe-dir' option.” After typing esorex recipe data.sof

Positive aspects I have noticed:


  1. ESO virtual help desk was very helpful. Provided specific instructions for troubleshooting and recommended many different ways to go about installation (aka, didn’t just answer the question I had, but went above and beyond.

  2. The online instructions do have some specific information that is helpful (it isn’t assumed that the person downloading is an expert in this)

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Need to open new issue with ESO helpdesk for problem 3 above

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Got another reply from them, working on this.

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Tried running the quick start from the esoreflex user manual as per their recommendation, received the following error (have emailed them again):

java.lang.Exception: Failed to parse "-kepler -1" at at at at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.( at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.( at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication$ at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$ at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$ at java.base/ Method) at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.desktop/ Caused by: ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: Cannot set parameter -1 when no value is given. at at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._parseArgs( at ... 17 more

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

If I skip step 1 and move on to step 2, get this! -

Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 1 25 58 PM

Currently attempting run on a single demo data set - will update.

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Dataset1 2018 Output The output! Seems to have successfully run.

AbbySh commented 3 years ago

Was single dataset, this file: ESPRE.2018-10-22T02:09:40.652.fits

DakotahTyler commented 3 years ago

Taking over for the ESPRESSO pipeline:

I was able to get the pipeline installed on my personal machine. I did run into the Java (JDK) dependency problem that is mentioned earlier in this thread (11/10/2020) but the installation instructions include multiple different methods so I used the mac ports installation (preferred/suggested) which worked properly and automatically installed the software dependencies. Although I installed the pipeline to my personal machine, I will likely need to repeat this process on my shrek account as the reduction process is demanding with required minimum of 16GB RAM & 1TB free disk space, but suggested 32GB RAM & 4TB free disk space. The demo data set supplied ran fine on my machine but future tests will require more resources.

DakotahTyler commented 3 years ago

General comments on the simple demo set run through:

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10 21 23 AM

During the run, a window is populated with the current data set being reduced. For this particular run, I included all 5 of the available demo data sets to be reduced consecutively.

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10 16 28 AM

At the completion of the first data set, an interactive window pops up for a quick inspection of the reduction so far. I have included a couple of screenshots to show what options are available. One very convenient aspect here is that the user can adjust various recipe parameters and re-run the recipe directly from this page. The user also has the option to continue the reduction (workflow) and disable subsequent inspection windows from popping up for the remaining data sets:

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10 19 48 AM Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10 14 56 AM

Finally, once the reduction is complete, a "product explorer" window opens where you can inspect all of the products from the reduction, including all keywords and values for the created fits files:

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10 31 12 AM
DakotahTyler commented 3 years ago

Notes on ESPRESSO pipeline: The pipeline essentially consists of two separate pipelines; the data reduction pipeline (which produces the reduced spectra from raw data) and the data analysis software (DAS) pipeline (which is used for the various science objectives). The DAS pipeline includes various work flows which I think are worth highlighting.

DakotahTyler commented 3 years ago

ESPRESSO data - Tau Ceti 198 observations spanning 172 days - Fully reduced and analyzed

Looks right

Total velocity disperson of the dataset TC_espresso_vel_disp

I then took a look at the dispersion over smaller time bins (on the order of hours) TC_espresso_time3 TC_espresso_time4 TC_espresso_timebins

calculated dispersions for the different time bins and a standard error on the dispersion image

awhoward commented 3 years ago


petigura commented 3 years ago

Cool stuff, @DakotahTyler! I'm wondering if we can see p-modes in the Tau Ceti velocities. For fun, could you compute the LS periodogram of some of the high cadence chunks?

arpita308 commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue since ESPRESSO pipeline has been run successfully by both @AbbySh and @DakotahTyler.

See follow up issues for further exploration of ESPRESSO data.