Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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SNR-based termination tasks #767

Open awhoward opened 8 months ago

awhoward commented 8 months ago

Here are some tasks related SNR-based termination of exposures using the Exposure Meter.

  1. Confirm that the current scale factor between EM counts and main spectrometer counts is correct. This should be done using flat spectra and on-sky spectra.
  2. Document on Confluence the conversion factor between exposure meter counts (in units of DN per wavelength range, with 4 equal-spaced wavelength ranges in 445-870 nm) and units in the main spectrometer -- e-/nm for SCI1+SCI2+SCI3.
  3. Write or modify methods in AnalyzeL1 to make plots of the main spectrometer spectra in units of e-/nm. (@awhoward might contribute to this.)
  4. Write methods in AnalyzeEM to plot the cumulative EM time series and the exposure termination goal. (@awhoward might contribute to this.)

@howardisaacson might comment on this. What other tasks do you have in mind?

howardisaacson commented 7 months ago

We recently discussed how the exposure meter termination and the relationship between exposure meter counts and spectrometer SNR could be integrated into the KPF Exposure Time Calculator. This would benefit proposers and also improve the observing logistics software.