Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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Feature/upgrade 20240220 with new C code #812

Closed RussLaher closed 4 months ago

RussLaher commented 5 months ago

Please merge the feature/upgrade_20240220 branch into the develop branch. The C code is for compiling the binary executable generateSmoothLampPattern, which is a much faster implementation of the scripts/ Python-code implementation.

$ ~/Documents/kpf/kpfpipeline/c/bin/generateSmoothLampPattern

Compute the sliding-window clipped-mean image (SWCMI) of an input image to generate smooth lamp patterns for KPF both GREEN and RED chips.

generateSmoothLampPattern, v. 1.00, by Russ Laher

Usage: -i input masterflat FITS file -x window width (pixels) (default = 200 pixels) -y window height (pixels) (default = 1 pixel) -s number of "sigmas" for outlier rejection (default = 3.0) -o output SWCMI FITS file -t number of processing threads (default = 1) [-v (verbose switch)]