Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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Drift Correction - First Round #842

Open awhoward opened 3 months ago

awhoward commented 3 months ago

We will sprint on this.

Components needed:

Testing (@howardisaacson):

shalverson commented 2 months ago

As a summary to reference later, here is my current sandbox approach for drift-correcting the stellar spectra (copied from slack thread, but listed here for convenience):

For the stellar RV calculation: -Select only observations that have both an evening LFC_WLS master and a morning LFC_WLS master with the same UT date. -Compute the stellar RV using the evening master LFC WLS, only including orders that are LFC-calibrated (>order index 11 on the Green).

For the LFC drift tracking: -Compute every day’s LFC master ‘RV’ (evening and morning) using the evening LFC_WLS master solution only. For evening masters, the RV should be very close to 0 since the WLS is derived from this file. -Linearly interpolate each day’s evening-to-morning LFC RV drift onto the timestamps of the stellar observations.

Stellar spectra quality cuts: -Outlier rejection at >1000 m/s off of the median target RV. This does nothing for some targets, for others it removes some clear outliers that should be followed up on jump. -Rejection of points where the RV error is >2x the median RV error in the timeseries (i.e. if the flux level is a factor of 4x lower than the median observation for that target, reject that point.). This also typically affects very few points.