Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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Documentation for master files #851

Open awhoward opened 2 months ago

awhoward commented 2 months ago

It would be helpful to have information about the master files in Readthedocs. For L0/2D/L1/L2 files, this page lists the extensions and important header keywords. The only documentation about the master files that I'm aware of here and lists the daily calibration sequence (number of files per type) and instructions for running the master pipeline.

I'm running out the door. I will add to this Issue later. Others might comment on what information would be helpful to have readily available about the masters. @shalverson @bjfultn @howardisaacson @aaronhouseholder

aaronhouseholder commented 2 months ago

One thing that would be useful is what files go into the Masters (might already be somewhere in the headers, but I didn't see it when I looked yesterday).

RussLaher commented 2 months ago

Hi Aaron, Looking at the GREEN_CCD header of kpf_20240411_master_flat.fits, the input files to the stack are listed (this is the 2D file, not the L1 file):

EXTNAME = 'GREEN_CCD' ... INPBIAS = 'kpf_20240411_master_bias_autocal-bias.fits' INPDARK = 'kpf_20240411_master_dark_autocal-dark.fits' ... ORDRMASK= '/data/reference_fits/kpf_20240211_order_mask_untrimmed_made20240212&' CONTINUE '.fits' LAMPPATT= '/data/reference_fits/kpf_20240211_smooth_lamp_made20240212.fits' ORDTRACE= 'kpf_20240211_master_flat_GREEN_CCD.csv' INFL0 = 'KP.20240411.00021.55_2D.fits' INFL1 = 'KP.20240411.00100.06_2D.fits' INFL2 = 'KP.20240411.00178.58_2D.fits' INFL3 = 'KP.20240411.00257.14_2D.fits' INFL4 = 'KP.20240411.00335.94_2D.fits' ...

aaronhouseholder commented 2 months ago

Ah okay, gotcha! I was looking at the L1 file => good to know where I can find them. Thanks Russ!