Keck-DataReductionPipelines / KPF-Pipeline

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Ghost of ThAr #871

Open bjfultn opened 2 months ago

bjfultn commented 2 months ago

Faint traces of the saturated ThAr lines are visible in dark frames taken immediately after. See the example below. Is this image persistence? The lamp not shutting off completely before the dark exposure starts? Something else?


awhoward commented 2 months ago

Let's definitely understand and correct the underlying issue.

We should also have a way to detect this, perhaps with a cross-correlation function in the x-direction. This could be a QC test for dark frames.

howardisaacson commented 2 months ago

We discussed this at Operations today and made the following conclusions:

joshwalawender commented 2 months ago

I deployed a small change to the OBs for the cals. The images preceding the affected darks are the last ThAr frames which have exposure times set for the HK detector. In the new scheme, those frames will have the Sci and Sky source select shutters closed, so the science detector images will effectively be darks. Nothing else will change, but for the ~5 minutes (3x 60s exposures + readout) prior to the dark, the science detector will not be illuminated by the ThAr light. The change will take effect this afternoon (April 23, 2024), so we should see if this makes a difference in a few hours.