KeeganW / ti4

TI4 Map Generator - Generate a custom, unique, and balanced Twilight Imperium 4 galaxy map to use in your next game!
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Fan Content Tile Number coordination #130

Open SephHawkins opened 4 weeks ago

SephHawkins commented 4 weeks ago

Currently, the tools that support the Uncharted Space tiles and Discordant Stars faction tiles all represent them in different ways, which prevents generating a map using one site and using it in another.


Concretely, I'd suggest putting the DS factions in the 1001 - 1999 range and the Uncharted Space tiles in the 2001 - 2999 range. I don't currently support the Eronous tiles, but I'd map those to the 3001-3999 range.


I'm the creator of TI Assistant. I'm not that picky about what tile numbers fan content has, but I'd like them to all be the same (or at least non-overlapping). Currently, the tiles in the 4253 - 4260 range are ambiguous between this Map Generator and the Milty Shenanigans tool, so I can't properly handle both.

DS Faction Tiles

Uncharted Space Tiles

Lazik10 commented 6 days ago

Hi, I am creator of

(Note that it is not mobile or small screen friendly for now, so if you will browse the website, it is best to use a display with at least 1920px width support or larger.)

so If I may, just a few cents to this topic, since I myself created a website that can generate maps and I tried to follow Keegan's naming. I would stick with what the homebrew crew created and their numbers:

1001-1036 for DS faction tiles (they are a little bit ignorant to the need of creating and ID for them, but I found out they are usually named from 1001-1036) 4253-4276 for Uncharted tiles

Eronous tiles were updated and changed their order, also they are now in sequence and does not contain a gap of two numbers like before. (Er73 and Er74 were missing). So the current tiles in Keegan;s generator are out of date. Er01-Er127

It would be good to have it unified throug all custom tools that is for sure, just for the sake of players using them.