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Vide Card not supported error #517

Closed Morketh closed 8 years ago

Morketh commented 8 years ago

Alright this is rather annoying after some hours of playing Space Engineers i crash to desktop with a videcard not supported error message. looking at the minimum system requirements, i find that there bottom of the line card is is a GeForce 880 GT and my card is a GeForce GTX 570. My card isn't all that better then an 8800 but its definitely above an 800 in spec.

yes ive updated all my drivers changed every setting on the game i could think of re optimized every aspect of my computer in the way of background tasks and drivers to see if there was a conflict. end result is always the same Card Not supported and a Crash to desktop. any sugestions on how to fix this? Aside from building a 14 thousand dollar system, Im all about throwing more hardware at problems but the last few patches have been hell on everyone with the bouncing and the glitching, and i doubt any amount of hardware in the world could fix these problems

Morketh commented 8 years ago

Really? You don't know what an exaggeration is? On Apr 23, 2016 9:03 PM, "nulling" wrote:

14 thousand dollar system? A decent system should start at 750-ish. Don't know where you got your $14,000 figure from.

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JamesK89 commented 8 years ago

I'd like to mention that in my group of friends this has been observed with both AMD and Nvidia GPU's. My hypothesis is the game is doing something that both video drivers don't like causing the driver to crash and so DirectX 11 attempts to recover but during the recovery the driver is still hasn't reloaded so the only device left during these events is possibly the DirectX Reference Device, or perhaps a null device, which Space Engineers doesn't support.

Morketh commented 8 years ago

Any ideas on how to solve this? On Apr 23, 2016 11:52 PM, "James Kelly" wrote:

I'd like to mention that in my group of friends this has been observed with both AMD and Nvidia GPU's. My hypothesis is the game is doing something that both video drivers don't like causing the driver to crash and so DirectX 11 attempts to recover but during the recovery the driver is still hasn't reloaded so the only device left during these events is possibly the DirectX Reference Device, or perhaps a null device, which Space Engineers doesn't support.

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mze9412 commented 8 years ago

Read the forums ;) This is just for source code issues, not for generel bugs :dancer:

Morketh commented 8 years ago

One of the causes related to this error is unoptimized coding. So I'm posting it here were the code is so it can be properly optimized. I shouldn't have to play around in my registry or write additional applications because software developers are sloppy coders. I'm all for those finite tweaks to pinch out that extra 2% of quality. But come on I shouldn't have to do that to make the application useable. It's like buying a brand new corvette from the dealer and the manufacture expects you to adjust the timing chain. That sounds like a source code issue to me.

mze9412 commented 8 years ago

And such things will be ignoried here. If you have issues compiling the source code or running it, issues in github is the right place. If the game has bugs (like crashes that happen with the regular version from steam), the bug reports in the forum is the right place. Simply as that :)

Morketh commented 8 years ago

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