KeenSoftwareHouse / SpaceEngineers

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Remove ability to blueprint enemy ships while in survival mode #534

Open Jake-Rich opened 8 years ago

Jake-Rich commented 8 years ago

Initial issue: Player were able to get the blueprint of an enemy ship (Ctrl+B) which they could then project, build in creative and explore for weaknesses.

Fix: Players will not be able to get the blueprint of a ship if they are not the owner, or if the owner is not in their faction. Players will still be able to get blueprints of a completely neural ship, and players will be able to blueprint any ship while in creative mode.

THDigi commented 8 years ago

It'd be best to have some facility to be able to scan ships and make a blueprint, but that is a lot of work for a PR, alternatively we could use a mod API for ship blueprints, read existing ones, add new ones... maybe not edit and remove though.

Jimmacle commented 8 years ago

As someone who plays/played a lot of MP survival and has used this trick to pick apart enemy bases I agree that blueprinting should be restricted like you have it. @THDigi also has a good point about implementing some sort of balanced alternative but I don't think that should stop this PR from going through.

THDigi commented 8 years ago

Yes this PR is the first critical step. I'm only telling about step 2 (blueprint API) and eventually step 3 with the vanilla scanner :]

andrewfenn commented 7 years ago

I think you should add a check as to if the player is an admin too?

kennyrkun commented 6 years ago

"Allow blueprinting unowned grids" should be an option set during server/world creation.

mccorkle commented 6 years ago

@kennyrkun I don't know if keen still actively reviews these PRs / issues. Also, in the data model for grids, I don't believe that a grid has a owner, (own-able blocks do). I could be wrong about both of those though.

Jimmacle commented 6 years ago

Keen hardly looked at this even when it was being maintained. The GitHub is now only here for reference and Keen doesn't do anything with it at all anymore. A grid's owner is determined by who owns the majority of ownable blocks on the grid, as a matter of fact I think this feature is already implemented in the game.

mccorkle commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Jimmacle.

kennyrkun commented 6 years ago

@mccorkle I know they don't look at it, but I do. I'm trying to port the code to C++ so I can modify the game myself, and make my perfect world.

Jimmacle commented 6 years ago

SE is not open source and you're not allowed to use its code for your own purposes, including porting.

spikespaz commented 6 years ago

@Jimmacle I'm not even part of this conversation, but if it's not open source, why the fuck is it on GitHub? Have some decency and at least pay for a private repository, or host it somewhere else that has free private repositories. Having a non-open source project in a GitHub public repository is outright asinine. It opens a whole world of problems, including unintentional misuse of the source code.

Jimmacle commented 6 years ago

I'm not gonna disagree, I don't know why this is still up considering it's not even up to date anymore. I'm just letting him know so he can avoid potential legal trouble, but in general you should read the license supplied with the code, and if one isn't there assume you have no rights to use it.

andrewfenn commented 6 years ago

SE is not open source and you're not allowed to use its code for your own purposes, including porting.

This is incorrect. They can do whatever they want privately with the code including porting. They're just not allowed to redistribute anything.

kennyrkun commented 6 years ago

EULA Quick Section 5:

You are allowed to share the source files with other developers (crediting us when logical/reasonable), downloading and compiling the game locally, modifying and tweaking the game locally, and even publicly forking, modifying, and tweaking the game source on Github.

I think that what I want to do is okay. I don't want to be a better Space Engineers or anything, and I don't want to discredit Keen. I just want to make the perfect game for myself.

mccorkle commented 6 years ago

Good luck @kennyrkun. I'd recommend forking this and tracking issues over on your fork (as you would have the power to fix issues there). Also, worth noting, I've heard that the devs at Keen hang out on the Keen discord. Asking questions and getting help with your project might be better served there (

kennyrkun commented 6 years ago

I've been in the Keen discord since it was started, and I forked this repo a few days ago. I just have to actually get started. I hope I can learn from it and actually figure out how to make a game, so one day when I grow up I can work with the big boys in Unreal or Source 2 :D