KeenSoftwareHouse / SpaceEngineers

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Suggestion for timer blocks & programmable blocks #544

Open Devlah opened 8 years ago

Devlah commented 8 years ago

I would like to suggest (if this has already been addressed I apologize):

Timer blocks being restricted from using the "Trigger Now" function on THEMSELVES, or institute a mandatory trigger delay when doing so to avoid heavy impact on game clients or dedicated servers.

Likewise, a mandatory delay when triggering a timer block from within a script for the same reason.

malware-dev commented 8 years ago

Not without an alternative way to run scripts in a per-tick fashion. It would be better to have the instruction counter give you a given amount of instruction per amount of time, so if you run your script every tick you have less instructions available than if you wait, say, a second.

FYI Keen doesn't read these issues, they are for the contributors. You need to post on the forum if you expect any of them to see your suggestions.