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fix missing references for github users #549

Closed Rynchodon closed 7 years ago

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

For references that are not included in github source, if the reference is not where expected, change the path to steam's Bin64 folder. Also prevents RakNet exceptions from compiling if RakNet.dll is missing

Tested with Debug/x64 and Release/x64.

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

fix: Added property sheets imports to the relevant csproj files

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

updated for new VRage.Scripting references

MatthewWritesCode commented 7 years ago

This worked for me. I'm fairly new to Visual Studio. Mind giving a quick explanation of what you did?

Thanks for the fix!

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

This worked for me. I'm fairly new to Visual Studio. Mind giving a quick explanation of what you did?

Opened csproj files with a text editor and added conditions where there were problems. The path to Bin64 is relative to ContentPath so I added imports for global.props.

MatthewWritesCode commented 7 years ago

One more question: Since you added conditions to point to steam content folder if the dll cant be found in the project, would this cause issues if you make changes to a library and the build uses the steam dll instead? Or is that unlikely to happen? Thanks for replying!

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

One more question: Since you added conditions to point to steam content folder if the dll cant be found in the project, would this cause issues if you make changes to a library and the build uses the steam dll instead? Or is that unlikely to happen? Thanks for replying!

The conditions are only for the 3rd party dlls, not for the ones compiled by this solution, so you shouldn't be editing them. If Keen changes one or more of these dlls it could prevent the solution from compiling until github is updated.

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

I'm not going to bother updating this anymore.