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Idea: Get A Grid's Outline for In-Game Grid API #593

Open merlin2v opened 6 years ago

merlin2v commented 6 years ago

Due to the restrictions of the In-Game Script API and it's common "Script is to complex" Error; I would suggest that there should be a method that could get a grid's outline at a specified angle as well as the outline from a certain square and position. grid.getOutline(Vector3D angle) returns 2DOutline would contain points of collidable points as well as test methods. grid.getSlice(Vector3D angle,Vector3D pos) returns 2DOutline grid.getSlice(Vector3D angle,Vector3D posStart, Vector3D posEnd) returns 2DOutline

Reason: I am currently trying to auto print my ship using for loops and hasBlock to a lcd/text panel however the "Script is to complex" Error shows up.