KeenSoftwareHouse / SpaceEngineers

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[ bug ] The merge block changes the name of the ship permanently. #598

Open TheNitrogen opened 5 years ago

TheNitrogen commented 5 years ago

ViciousVinnyD commented 5 years ago

Not sure if there's much that can be done about this. When you merge two ships together, the game no longer considers them two separate grids. Instead, they become one single grid with a single name. The old name is therefore discarded.

You could theoretically make the grid that was just added keep its name stored somewhere until that section was connected through the use of anything but merge blocks. But I doubt this will happen.

mccorkle commented 5 years ago

@ViciousVinnyD is correct in that this is a design issue with how two grids merge.

I'd like to add that this isn't the best place to post bugs -- put those on the keen support forum as they don't monitor these issues:

NegativeIQ commented 3 years ago

Not a bug, its actually intended behaviour i think. But pretty sure it could be "fixed" by just adding grid name variable to each merge block, and when you disconnect take the name from merge block on that grid. I think there would be need to find only the first merge block to avoid possible problems (like changing grid name twice) but pretty sure it could be done easy by just extending merge block properties and actions taken when disconnected.