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[bug] ship becomes intangible #612

Open cowlinator opened 2 years ago

cowlinator commented 2 years ago

I'm on Keen NA 3, on Steam.

I have a ship that was connected to my base (both connectors green). The server restarted.

Now I can't enter my ship. I can't weld or grind my ship. I can also shoot right through the ship and walk right through it, like it's intangible. (Bullets marks still appear on the ship, but the ship health is unaffected and the block behind the ship gets damaged.)

I can place new blocks on the ship, but I can't weld them or grind them back off. The newly placed blocks are also intangible.

I can view the cockpit inventory and place things inside, but I can't get them back out. I can view the control panel and make changes there, but some of the changes don't "stick"... they just change back to their previous values after leaving the control panel. I can turn things on and off though.

The ship is positioned connector-to-connector with the base, but both connectors are white.

I named my ship's grid, so I can see that it is indeed there in my list of grids.

My other ship is behaving normally.

I closed the game entirely and restarted it. No change.

No mods, no DLC.

My PCU is 15211/20000