Keeper Commander is a python-based CLI and SDK interface to the Keeper Security platform. Provides administrative controls, reporting, import/export and vault management.
Update the PAM protobuf to keeperapp-protobuf PR 106.
Change CMT_GENERAL to CMT_DISCOVERY for any discovery gateway action.
Added a readme on how to generate a protobuf python file.
To enable Discovey ...
once logged in, navigate to Admin -> Roles
find the role that belongs to the user you're using
click on Enforcement Policies button
click on Privileged Access Manager tab (left side menu panel)
at the very bottom, you should see the Discovery enforcement
This enforcement permission via requests to the gateway. There are still commands in Commander that can be run by any person, which we may need to lock down.
To enable Discovey ...
This enforcement permission via requests to the gateway. There are still commands in Commander that can be run by any person, which we may need to lock down.