KeiLongW / battery-state-estimation

Estimation of the State of Charge (SOC) of Lithium-ion batteries using Deep LSTMs.
Apache License 2.0
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built it #13

Closed GikM-max closed 2 months ago

GikM-max commented 5 months ago

Can you help me build it and I can pay the copyright fee?

KeiLongW commented 5 months ago

I suggest you post the issues you encountered and see if we can help

GikM-max commented 5 months ago

我使用conda创建了一个虚拟环境DL,安装了项目中所需要的环境,下载数据集将其内容已放入需要的文件夹中,再jupyter中运行experiment和result中的文件,总会出现一些错误,例如 TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[5], line 15 12 from importlib import reload 13 import plotly.graph_objects as go ---> 15 import tensorflow as tf 16 from tensorflow import keras 17 from tensorflow.keras import layers

File d:\Anaconda\envs\DL\lib\site-packages\ 46 from tensorflow.python import tf2 as _tf2 47 _tf2.enable() ---> 49 from ._api.v2 import internal 50 from ._api.v2 import operators 51 from ._api.v2 import audio

File d:\Anaconda\envs\DL\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_api\v2__internal\ 6 from future import print_function as _print_function 8 import sys as _sys ---> 10 from . import autograph 11 from . import decorator 12 from . import dispatch

File d:\Anaconda\envs\DL\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_api\v2__internal\autograph\ 6 from future import print_function as _print_function ... If you cannot immediately regenerate your protos, some other possible workarounds are:

  1. Downgrade the protobuf package to 3.20.x or lower.
  2. Set PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python (but this will use pure-Python parsing and will be much slower).
KeiLongW commented 5 months ago

try tensorflow=2.4.1

GikM-max commented 5 months ago

如果不使用google colab 而使用jupyter notebook或者vscode应该如何跑起来,其中data_processing中的python代码可以在vscode中跑起来,但是想要训练experiments的模型应该如何跑起来,会报出未发现google colab 或者报出未找到某个cvs文件。期待你的解答,感谢!

KeiLongW commented 5 months ago
  1. changeIS_COLAB=False
  2. for unibo dataset: make sure you have the dataset files (the csv) under data/unibo-powertools-dataset/unibo-powertools-dataset/
  3. for LG dataset: make sure you have the dataset files(the csv) under data/LG 18650HG2 Li-ion Battery Data/LG_HG2_Original_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020/