KeitaNakamura / neodark.vim

A dark color scheme for vim
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Low cursor visibility in highlighted text #25

Closed fuelen closed 3 years ago

fuelen commented 3 years ago

Hello! Thank you for this beautiful theme!

I find this combination of colours unreadable. It is very hard to find a cursor зображення Any suggestions? :)

KeitaNakamura commented 3 years ago

Hi. Yeah, actually I also feel the same as you... If there is a good suggestion, I’m ok to change it:) Changing marking color is also fine.

fuelen commented 3 years ago

#468080 #438db1 maybe something like this?

fuelen commented 3 years ago

Just tried to work with these colours - not much better :disappointed:

airblade commented 3 years ago

I've been using the following:

Every time the cursor moves in normal mode, check whether it is in a highlighted search match.

Obviously adjust CursorSearch to meet your needs.

function! CursorInSearchMatch(...)
  if !&hlsearch || !v:hlsearch | return 0 | endif
  let [match,start,stop] = matchstrpos(getline('.'), @/, (a:0 ? a:1 : 0))
  if empty(match) | return 0 | endif
  let col = getcurpos()[2]
  if col <= start | return 0 | endif
  if col <= stop  | return 1 | endif
  return CursorInSearchMatch(stop)

let s:group = synIDtrans(hlID('Cursor'))
let s:cursor_gui_fg   = synIDattr(s:group, 'fg', 'gui')
let s:cursor_gui_bg   = synIDattr(s:group, 'bg', 'gui')
let s:cursor_cterm_fg = synIDattr(s:group, 'fg', 'cterm')
let s:cursor_cterm_bg = synIDattr(s:group, 'bg', 'cterm')
execute 'highlight CursorOriginal guifg='.s:cursor_gui_fg.' guibg='.s:cursor_gui_bg.' ctermfg='.s:cursor_cterm_fg.' ctermbg='.s:cursor_cterm_bg
" FIXME doesn't work in terminal vim
highlight CursorSearch guifg=red guibg=white ctermfg=160 ctermbg=231

autocmd CursorMoved * if CursorInSearchMatch() | highlight! link Cursor CursorSearch | else | highlight! link Cursor CursorOriginal | endif

Unfortunately CursorSearch's highlighting doesn't work for me in terminal MacVim, whether or not termguicolors is set – any tips would be welcome.

Update: here is a slightly different approach where the whole current search match is highlighted slightly differently (specifically, with the StatusLineTerm highlight):

" Returns [start, stop] if the cursor is in a search match, where start and
" stop are column numbers.
" Returns [0, 0] if the cursor is not in a search match.
function! CursorInSearchMatch(...)
  if !&hlsearch || !v:hlsearch | return [0,0] | endif
  let [match,start,stop] = matchstrpos(getline('.'), @/, (a:0 ? a:1 : 0))
  if empty(match) | return [0,0] | endif
  let col = getcurpos()[2]
  if col <= start | return [0,0] | endif
  if col <= stop  | return [start,stop] | endif
  return CursorInSearchMatch(stop)

let s:current_search_pos = []
let s:current_search_match = 0
function! UpdateCursor()
  let [start, stop] = CursorInSearchMatch()
  if [start, stop] != [0, 0]
    if s:current_search_pos != [start, stop]
      let s:current_search_pos = [start, stop]
      if s:current_search_match | call matchdelete(s:current_search_match) | endif
      let s:current_search_match = matchaddpos('StatusLineTerm', [[line('.'), start+1, stop-start]])
    let s:current_search_pos = []
    if s:current_search_match | call matchdelete(s:current_search_match) | endif
    let s:current_search_match = 0

autocmd CursorMoved * call UpdateCursor()
airblade commented 3 years ago

I've extracted this to a plugin:

fuelen commented 3 years ago

@airblade I've tried it and left an issue in your repo

fuelen commented 3 years ago

vim-current-search-match plugin works fine for me. I'll close the issue. Thank you for help!