KeithSloan / GDML

FreeCAD GDML Workbench - AddonManager Installable
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GDMLSphere improvement #8

Closed lambdam94 closed 4 years ago

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

Hello Keith

The test of shows that there are pb with starttheta and deltatheta.

GDML example: oneSphere__l.gdml.txt GDMLsphere

Could you please add theses lines to GDMLSphere createGeometry to have the good picture? Thanks, Dam

def createGeometry(self,fp): import math

   # test on rmax
   if not hasattr(fp, 'rmax') :
   if(fp.rmax <= 0.0):

   mul = 1.0
   if hasattr(fp, 'lunit') : mul = GDMLShared.getMult(fp.lunit)

   # main sphere creation
   if hasattr(fp, 'deltaphi') : 
       sphere2 = Part.makeSphere(fp.rmax*mul, 
                           -90.0, 90.0,\
                           getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.deltaphi))
   else: sphere2 = Part.makeSphere(fp.rmax*mul)

   # if starttheta -> cut the upper cone
   if hasattr(fp, 'starttheta') :
       angleTheta_deg = getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)
           if (angleTheta_deg < 90.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeCone(0.0,
                             fp.rmax*mul/math.cos(getAngleRad(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)),
           elif(angleTheta_deg == 90.0):
               Rmax = fp.rmax*mul*2.0 
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeBox(Rmax,Rmax,Rmax,FreeCAD.Vector(-0.5*Rmax,-0.5*Rmax,0.0)))
               del Rmax
           elif(angleTheta_deg <= 180.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.common( Part.makeCone(0.0,
       del angleTheta_deg

   # if deltatheta -> cut the down cone
   if hasattr(fp, 'deltatheta') :
       angleDeltaTheta_deg = getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.deltatheta)
       thetaSum_deg = angleDeltaTheta_deg
       if hasattr(fp, 'starttheta') :
           thetaSum_deg = angleDeltaTheta_deg + getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)

       if(thetaSum_deg <180.0):
           if (thetaSum_deg > 90.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeCone(0.0,
           elif(thetaSum_deg == 90.0):
               Rmax = fp.rmax*mul*2.0 
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeBox(Rmax,Rmax,Rmax,FreeCAD.Vector(-0.5*Rmax,-0.5*Rmax,-Rmax)))
               del Rmax
           elif(thetaSum_deg >0.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.common( Part.makeCone(0.0,
       del thetaSum_deg, angleDeltaTheta_deg

   # if rmin -> cut the rmin sphere
   if hasattr(fp, 'rmin') :
       if(fp.rmin <= 0.0 or fp.rmin>fp.rmax):
           fp.Shape = sphere2 
           fp.Shape = sphere2.cut(Part.makeSphere(fp.rmin*mul))

   # if startphi -> rotate startphi angle
   if hasattr(fp, 'startphi') :
       newplace = FreeCAD.Placement(fp.Placement.Base,
                       FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1), getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.startphi)),
       fp.Placement = newplace                            

   del mul 
KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Thanks - Have done a variation of the suggested code - If you can buddy check that would be great.

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

Hi Keith

under FreeCAD0.19.AppImage, the import file give this picture (theta is not good) GDMLsphere-2

Under FreeCAD0.18 (official ubuntu distribution) on my old laptop, there is the "angleSectionSolid" pb under Freecad0.18. With the suggested function, we have the "good" picture.

I will take a look on GDMLPolyhedra (perhaps I can give to you a new suggestion how to do without angleSectionSolid !)

Regards, Dam

KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Can we check the file you are using.

For me oneSphere is a solid sphere

sphere name="world" rmin="0" rmax="100" startphi="0" deltaphi="360" starttheta="0" deltatheta="180" aunit="deg" lunit="cm"

And I just did a pull on the repro to double check.

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

The picture has been done with the GDML example "oneSphere__l.gdml.txt" (file at the beginning of this issue).

The parameters are:

The theta angle ("second solid" angle) is between 25 deg and 115 deg.

Regards Dam

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

In freecad makeSphere, the angle parameters cut the sphere by a plan cf. It is not easy to do a "solid" angle sphere (gdml definition) with this function. A cut or a common with a sphere can do that "solide" angle.

KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Okay - these files are not valid as far as the Geant4 version of gdmlview. Have had to add materials before it works, but now I get the same visual as you. Thanks for the heads up on Part_Sphere. My tests were with units of 90 so did not show up my lack of understanding.

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

Hi Keith our messages probably crossed! I propose you a mix of our codes which works on FreeCad0.18

Regards Dam

` #new code for GDMLSphere

def createGeometry(self,fp): import math

   # test on rmax
   if not hasattr(fp, 'rmax') :
   if(fp.rmax <= 0.0):

   mul = 1.0
   if hasattr(fp, 'lunit') : mul = GDMLShared.getMult(fp.lunit)

   spos = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0)
   sdir = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)

   # main sphere creation
   if hasattr(fp, 'deltaphi') : 
       sphere2 = Part.makeSphere(fp.rmax*mul, spos, sdir,
                       -90.0, 90.0,\
                       getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.deltaphi))

       if hasattr(fp, 'startphi') :
           (sphere2).rotate(spos, sdir,getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.startphi))

   else: sphere2 = Part.makeSphere(fp.rmax*mul)

   # if starttheta -> cut the upper cone
   if hasattr(fp, 'starttheta') :
       angleTheta_deg = getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)
           if (angleTheta_deg < 90.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeCone(0.0,
                         fp.rmax*mul/math.cos(getAngleRad(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)),
           elif(angleTheta_deg == 90.0):
               Rmax = fp.rmax*mul*2.0 
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeBox(Rmax,Rmax,Rmax,FreeCAD.Vector(-0.5*Rmax,-0.5*Rmax,0.0)))
               del Rmax
           elif(angleTheta_deg <= 180.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.common( Part.makeCone(0.0,
       del angleTheta_deg

   # if deltatheta -> cut the down cone
   if hasattr(fp, 'deltatheta') :
       angleDeltaTheta_deg = getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.deltatheta)
       thetaSum_deg = angleDeltaTheta_deg
       if hasattr(fp, 'starttheta') :
           thetaSum_deg = angleDeltaTheta_deg + getAngleDeg(fp.aunit, fp.starttheta)

       if(thetaSum_deg <180.0):
           if (thetaSum_deg > 90.0):
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeCone(0.0,
           elif(thetaSum_deg == 90.0):
               Rmax = fp.rmax*mul*2.0 
               sphere2 = sphere2.cut( Part.makeBox(Rmax,Rmax,Rmax,FreeCAD.Vector(-0.5*Rmax,-0.5*Rmax,-Rmax)))
               del Rmax
       elif(thetaSum_deg >0.0):
           sphere2 = sphere2.common( Part.makeCone(0.0,
                         spos, sdir))

       del thetaSum_deg, angleDeltaTheta_deg

   # if rmin -> cut the rmin sphere
   if hasattr(fp, 'rmin') :
       if(fp.rmin <= 0.0 or fp.rmin>fp.rmax):
           fp.Shape = sphere2 
           fp.Shape = sphere2.cut(Part.makeSphere(fp.rmin*mul))
   else: fp.Shape = sphere2 

   # delete old var -> free memory
   del mul, spos, sdir


KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Why are you using expressions like math.cos((180.0-angleTheta_deg)*math.pi/180.0)? Python math wants radians so why not use angleDeltaTheta_rad = getAngleRad(fp.aunit, fp.deltatheta) so math.cos(pi-angleDeltaTheta_rad)

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

I am agree with you. We can call also getAngleRad. But I think that we should have only one angle definition chosen in rad or chosen in deg. You are right, rad is more useful for cos.

Thus " if(thetaSum_deg <180.0): " should replace by " if(thetaSum_rad <2.0*math.pi): " etc.

KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Please Try latest commit

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

That seems good! Thanks. For starttheta=90deg, there is one pb ("1.0/0.0"). For deltatheta<90deg, thetadeltaRad should be replace by deltathetaRad.

KeithSloan commented 4 years ago

Not sure I am clear where these corrections are. Please could you give line numbers. Thanks

lambdam94 commented 4 years ago

hello Keith, There was probably a pb during the commit process because there are two § about starttheta. I add some comments on the "Changes to Tube & Sphere" version. Regards Dam